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July 11, 2022
1. Revamped our popular Frequently Asked Questions on climate change—just in time for the start of the 117th Congress!
2. Released a new, cross-cutting statement on diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice to help us set new goals and track our progress!
3. Secured funding from Congress for the Rural Energy Savings Program to leverage $26 million for clean energy investments in rural communities!
4. Provided Congress with all-new educational resources and timely, relevant information about the international climate summit in Glasgow...
In the lead-up to COP26, we organized briefings cosponsored by the British Government and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC):
During COP26, we published our first-ever daily newsletter, the Glasgow Dispatch, to cover the negotiations from a Congressional perspective.
After COP26 concluded, we hosted four international climate policy experts to review key outcomes and help put the negotiations in context for U.S. policymakers.
EESI will build on these successes with our coverage of COP27 in Egypt in November 2022.
Our pre-COP26 briefings began with a high-level conversation about sustainable global development with former UNFCCC Secretary Christiana Figueres (top left), EESI Executive Director Daniel Bresette (top right), acclaimed scientist and former IPCC Chair Sir Robert Watson (bottom left), and EESI board member Rosina Bierbaum (bottom right).
Climate change is a big topic. Only together can we meet the challenges of advancing equitable climate solutions. Our extended EESI network is more important than ever before. I always appreciate the chance to engage with you. It means a lot when you send us a note or share your ideas.
Thanks to your commitment, EESI remains uniquely positioned as a critical resource for policymakers. When scientists and diplomats meet in Egypt for the next round of climate negotiations, EESI will once again be a go-to resource for Congress, which must deliver new policies and investments so the United States can meet our Paris Agreement targets.
And now that lawmakers have approved big investments that will help us electrify and decarbonize our energy and transportation sectors, the equitable implementation of the bipartisan infrastructure law will be a major topic of our educational resources for years to come.
Thank you for sharing your commitment to climate change solutions.
-Daniel Bresette, Executive Director
At the start of every Congress, EESI prioritizes outreach to new staff on Capitol Hill to help get them up to speed on the possibilities and realities of climate change policy. Congressional Climate Camp was created to do this remotely while in-person meetings and briefings were impossible. And it went so well that it will inform our approach to climate change policy orientation when the 118th Congress convenes in January 2023.
From the time a bipartisan infrastructure bill first appeared on the horizon, EESI knew it could be a major opportunity to make investments in climate solutions. So we got to work and developed new, timely resources that were available when Congress needed them most—before the bill was passed.
Our briefings helped explain the potential benefits of energy grid modernization and our articles and newsletters covered the range of energy efficiency and transportation electrification provisions. Soon after the bill was enacted into law, EESI began to monitor its implementation, supporting agency efforts to make sure the law helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions. You help make all of this possible.