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Media Coverage (Archives 2010-2012)
Media Coverage (Archives 2010-2012)
See recent media coverage
December 2012
High-stakes power plays
| December 17, 2012 | Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Insurers worry about political inaction in the face of rising disaster losses | December 17, 2012 | E&E - [paid subscription required]
The Struggle to Charge-Up Electric Vehicles in America
| December 13, 2012 | RIA Novosti
November 2012
Protecting NYC’s Subway System From Future Storms
| November 19, 2012 | The Epoch Times
Hurricane Sandy Reignites Climate Change Debate
| November 1, 2012 | Voice of America
October 2012
Reflections on Developing Sustainable Communities
| October 30, 2012 | The Connection Newspapers
Blown away by the attacks on wind-power subsidy
| October 23, 2012 | Los Angeles Times
Conservation, bioenergy programs seen as key to reducing runoff | October 3, 2012 | Agri-Pulse - [paid subscription required]
September 2012
Should We Waive the Renewable Fuel Standard in the Wake of the Drought?
| September 24, 2012 [republication of an EESI issue brief] | Renewable Energy World
August 2012
Will the Department of Defense Help Open the Way to Next Generation Biofuels?
| August 20, 2012 [republication of an EESI article] | Renewable Energy World
GEA Honors Recognizes the Best in Geothermal as Leading Industry Event Gets Underway in Sacramento
| August 9, 2012 |
Failure to pass farm bill is threatening energy security according to EESI
| August 4, 2012 | The Examiner
July 2012
South Carolina rural energy efficiency effort goes national
| July 17, 2012 | Associated Press - Myrtle Beach Online
June 2012
Scientists, environmentalists, biofuels industry unite to save RFS, extend biofuels incentives
| June 13, 2012 | Biofuels Digest
Ethanol and Environmental Groups Unite for RFS
| June 12, 2012 | Domestic Fuel
Environmental, and Advanced Biofuel groups Urge Congress to Protect the RFS
| June 12, 2012 | Hoosier Ag Today
May 2012
President of Grundfos NA Addresses Congressional Forum
| May 24, 2012 | Contracting Business
Highways, bridges and sewers take an expensive hit from wild weather -- study | May 4, 2012 | E&E - [paid subscription required]
Biogas is a Much Better Form of Natural Gas, Available in All 50 States
| May 3, 2012 | News
April 2012
Senate Farm Bill Would Authorize $1.2 Billion For Energy, Lacks Mandatory Funding | April 23, 2012 | Bloomberg BNA - Daily Environment Report - [paid subscription required]
States seek to ease financing for energy-efficient upgrades
| April 12, 2012 | Jim Malewitz, The Kansas City Star
March 2012
S.C. Efficiency Plan Draws Interest
| March 22, 2012 | Steven Johnson, Electric Co-op Today
GEA Seeks Entries for the Best in Geothermal | March 21, 2012 | Geothermal Energy Association,
February 2012
Gazette opinion: Highway bills would steer U.S. away from trails, transit
| February 26, 2012 | The Billings Gazette
Started By Politicians But Totally Private
| February 16, 2012 | The Charity Info Blog
January 2012
US Nuclear Power Industry in Weakened State
| January 2, 2012 | Gary Feuerberg, The Epoch Times
December 2011
In the wake of triple meltdowns, experts say America's nuclear initiative waning
| December 29, 2011 | Chris Carroll & Pam Sohn, Times Free Press
Experts: Even Higher Costs and More Headaches Ahead for Nuclear Power in 2012
| December 28, 2011 | Press Release, MarketWatch
Nuke questions may stall power projects, experts warn
| December 28, 2011 | Judy Fahys, The Salt Lake Tribune
Agency Smackdown, Round 2: A Critique of ‘the Nuclear Party’
| December 28, 2011 | Matthew L. Wald, The New York Times Green Blog
November 2011
Farm Bill Proposal Must Do More to Create Jobs and Promote Energy Security
| November 18, 2011 | Agriculture Energy Coalition, The Wall Street Journal
Ag Energy Coalition disappointed in Farm Bill proposal
| November 18, 2011 | Agriculture Energy Coalition, Biomass Magazine
October 2011
Winter Energy Outlook
| October 14, 2011 | Carol Wener and Howard Gruenspecht, C-Span Video Library | Washington Journal
Members of Texas PUC blast EPA over rule | October 14, 2011 | Mark Watson, Platts Energy Week
Bipartisan Institute Rejects Claims Of Utility Harm From Air Transport Rule
| October 5, 2011 | Inside EPA (subscription required)
Going green, saving lives
| October 3, 2011 | Carol Werner, Environmental and Energy Study Institute, Letter to the Editor, The Washington Post
September 2011
Show of Hands: Who Remembers Global Warming?
| September 26, 2011 | Sam Chapin, Highbrow Magazine
The Military: Unlikely Advocate for Green?
| September 18, 2011 | Keith Menconi, The Epoch Times
Utah Governor Lauds Idle-Free School Buses
| September 12, 2011 | Ryan Gray, School Transportation News
August 2011
Debt debate leaves geothermal industry concerned
| August 18, 2011 | Associated Press
The Value of Sustainability to the Military: “Preventing Wars is as Important as Winning Them, and Far Less Costly”
| August 9, 2011 | William S. Becker, Climate Progress Blog
Companies, professionals recognized during Summit
| August 8, 2011 | Northern Nevada Business Weekly
The Solar Soldier Is No Fad
| August 8, 2011 | William S. Becker, Huffington Post
On Hottest Day of Summer, Congress Catches Up on Cool Roofs | August 1, 2011 | Spotlight on Polyiso Blog
July 2011
Military Leaders Want to Save Money and Lives with Clean Energy, While GOP Leaders Want to Stop Them
| July 29, 2011 | Stewart Boss, Climate Progress Blog
What We're Reading: Keeping cool under a green roof |
July 26, 2011 | Senator Chris Coons Blog
HUD’s Manufactured Housing Program Director Tours MH Plant | July 22, 2011 | Matthew Silver, MHMSM Daily Business News
Ag Energy Experts Brief Congress, Stakeholders on Energy Title Progress
| July 21, 2011 |
Federal Cuts Likely for Energy Programs
| July 18, 2011 | Farm Futures
Clean Energy Sparks Jobs, Economic Growth | July 2011 | Ying-Na Li, Green Solutions Magazine
June 2011
Regulating hope out of gas? Nonsense.
| June 24, 2011 | John Quigley, PennFuture
Regulating the Hope Out of Natural Gas
| June 23, 2011 | Andrea Seffens, Freedom Works
Pa. regulators 'playing catch-up' on fracking, former official says
| June 21, 2011 | Mike Soraghan, E&E News (subscription required)
Want to reduce your heating, cooling bills by 90 percent?
| June 14, 2011 | Renee Schoof, McClatchy Newspapers
May 2011
Customer Satisfaction Key to Ramping up Home Energy Efficiency
| May 25, 2011 | Charles Terrini, SC Utility News Digest
Closing the Energy Efficiency Information Gap for Small Businesses
| May 23, 2011 | William Markow et. al., The Sustainability Review
April 2011
Biomass briefing focuses on creating a complete supply chain
| April 28, 2011 | Jon Harsch, Agri-Pulse
'Climate Change Impacts' report forecasts sharp drop in corn yields
| April 26, 2011 | Jon Harsch, Agri-Pulse
March 2011
South Carolina Homes Receive Energy Efficiency Retrofits
| March 31, 2011 | Charles Terreni, SC Utility News Digest
Magnets Attract Attention at Congressional Briefing
| March 14, 2011 | Andrew Middleton, The Rational Conservationist
Can Obama's Bold Stroke on Cleantech Innovation Survive Budget Cuts?
| March 2, 2011 | Elizabeth McGowan, Solve Climate News
Bartlett, Van Hollen Provide Bipartisan Push for Renewable Energy Funds
| March 1, 2011 | Steve Kilar, Southern Maryland Online
Making Manufactured Homes more Energy Efficienct and Affordable
| March 2011 | Laura Parsons, Green Solutions Magazine
January 2011
Biogas Growth
| January 25, 2011 | Lisa Gibson, Biomass Magazine
Why are Nordic Countries Low-Carbon Leaders?
| January 2011 | District Energy
November 2010
Countries and Companies Talk Climate Change at COP 16 In Cancun
| November 30, 2010 | Lora Kolodny, Tech Crunch
October 2010
Mortgages and the Energy Factor
| October 31, 2010 | Shannon Gombos, The Environmental Magazine
Oil, gas producers wary of tax break repeal
| October 27, 2010 | Trish Choate, Abilene Reporter News
Why Are Nordic People So Happy?
| October 24, 2010 | Josh Marks, Green SoCal
What is District Energy?
| October 8, 2010 | Josh Marks, Green SoCal
Clearing the Air about Massachusetts Biomass Study
| October 2010 | Rob Thornton, District Energy
August 2010
Moving Away From Oil: The Role of Electric Vehicles
| August 2010 | Jan Mueller, Green Solutions Magazine
July 2010
Carbon Prices for Many Utilities
| July 16, 2010 | Walker Frost, American Scene
June 2010
In the words of Elon Musk, founder of Tesla motors, “I am nauseatingly pro-American,”
| June 22, 2010 | Andrew Streit, Writing on the Sun
Multiple Polls Reveal Overwhelming Concern about Global Warming among Americans
| June 15, 2010 | Elizabeth McGowan, Solve Climate News
Don Lund: Beware failure to control public spending
| June 13, 2010 | Don Lund, Wisconsin State Journal
Large, consistent majority of Americans believe climate change is happening, want government to act
| June 11, 2010 | Alexa Jay, Climate Science Watch
December 2009
The Copenhagen That Matters
| December 22, 2009 | Thomas Friedman, The New York Times