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Friends of EESI are a very important part of the EESI family. They are individuals, businesses, or nonprofits that have made a significant commitment to renewable energy and energy efficiency by partnering with EESI to help us achieve our mission. Friends help EESI respond to issues quickly and provide assistance whenever needed. Become an Friend by giving between $1,000 or more online or by mail today. Or contact Susan Williams at (202) 662-1887 or hello [at]
Become a Friend of EESI
Foundations, Family Foundations, Donor-Advised Funds, and Companies
CFC # 10627
A portion of EESI's financial support comes from its membership in EarthShare, a federation of publicly supported environmental and conservation charities. EarthShare seeks to expand the financial support and the involvement of people, particularly at the workplace, to advance its affiliates' efforts to protect public health and welfare and to conserve natural resources for future generations.
To learn more about EESI's finances, please view our Form 990 and/or Audited Financial Statements.