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April 9, 2009
This briefing was largely based on the results of a February 2009 symposium, Ensuring Forest Sustainability in the Development of Wood Biofuels and Bioenergy: Implications for Federal and State Policies. The meeting was convened by the Heinz Center and Pinchot Institute and brought together 39 organizations from the forest industry, public agencies, community groups, environmental NGOs, and academia to map out key issues and concerns and consider potential policy solutions. Questions considered at the meeting included:
How can biomass harvesting serve as a positive tool for ecological restoration and forest stewardship?
How will significant increases in wood harvesting for energy affect key environmental values?
How will harvest levels respond to increased total demand for woody biomass?
How much woody biomass is available on a sustainable basis?
What are the roles of certification systems, sustainability standards, and harvesting guidelines?
The Heinz Center and the Pinchot Institute plan on using the conclusions from that first meeting as a starting point for a series of future meetings and discussions, with the ultimate intent to provide reliable and objective input to Congress and other policymakers grappling with these critical and timely issues.
On April 9, the Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) held a briefing to discuss sustainability issues and stewardship opportunities arising from the use of woody biomass for energy. In national efforts to halt global climate change and enhance U.S. energy security, bioenergy is widely seen as a cost-effective and scalable solution. Woody biomass from forest management is a renewable, low-carbon resource that can be used as a substitute for fossil fuels in the production of heat, electricity, transportation fuels, and a variety of chemicals and products. Wood also is a locally-produced resource that can help advance the energy independence and economic vitality of the nation overall, as well as states, regions, and communities that rely on imports to meet their energy needs. Realizing these benefits while ensuring the conservation of biological diversity, water quality, and other forest values will require greater attention to sustainable forestry practices and the careful scaling of bioenergy applications based on accurate estimates of the biomass supply that can be sustained by local forests.