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April 21, 2009
District energy systems deliver heating and cooling services in the form of steam, hot water and chilled water through thermal piping networks to multiple buildings in urban centers, institutional campuses, military bases and, increasingly, in planned sustainable communities. By serving the aggregated thermal loads of an entire community, district energy systems achieve an economy of scale where it is feasible to utilize surplus heat and local or renewable resources such as biomass, landfill gas, geothermal, lake and ocean water for cooling, and others. District energy systems that integrate combined heat and power can operate at 75-80 percent fuel efficiency, compared to the conventional power plants at 30-34 percent. Around the world, over one billion square feet of building space has connected to district energy systems since 1990.
Click here for a video explaining district energy.
Map of district energy systems in the United States (2005):
Example of a district energy/CHP system:
On April 21, the Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) held a briefing to discuss how district energy systems are able to utilize combined heat and power (CHP) as well as renewable and surplus heat resources and the enormous potential for such projects across the country. The International Energy Agency (IEA) recently cited district energy/CHP as a “key near term strategy for cutting carbon emissions.” This briefing explored how urban systems and university campuses are currently operating highly efficient district energy/CHP systems to control operating costs, enhance reliability and reduce community greenhouse gas emissions. The panel also discussed pending energy and climate legislation and its potential impact on the district energy/CHP industry, as well as existing policies intended to support development of district energy/CHP systems, including Sections 471 and 451 of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA).