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June 10, 2010
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On June 10, 2010, the Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) held a briefing on Americans’ views regarding energy and climate change. Some recent polls have been interpreted as suggesting that Americans are becoming increasingly skeptical about the existence and threat of climate change. Additionally, a number of surveys seem to suggest that when asked to name the issues that concern them most, Americans rank the environment and climate change far behind numerous other issues, including the economy and ongoing wars. Stanford University Professor Jon Krosnick has been conducting national surveys on global warming for more than 15 years and has monitored and interpreted changes in public perception over time on this issue. Using new survey data collected in June 2010, this briefing highlighted the results from Dr. Krosnick’s research, in which he tested a range of hypotheses about what the public believes and wants, and why some of those views have changed recently.