The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) and the House and Senate Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (REEE) Caucuses invite you to join us for the 28th Annual Congressional Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency EXPO and Policy Forum (EXPO 2025).

Top-level speakers will showcase technologies and solutions that reduce carbon emissions, save households money, improve the economy, build resilience, and protect our security interests.

The EXPO is free to attend and open to the public.

The Policy Forum panels will be streamed live.

Speaker Remarks

Speaker Slides


Thursday, July 24, 2025
9:00 AM – 7:00 PM EDT

Forum: 9 AM – 5 PM
Exhibits: 12 – 7 PM
Reception: 5 – 7 PM





Rayburn House Office Building
45 Independence Ave SW
Washington, D.C.

Exhibits: Rayburn Foyer
Policy Forum: Gold Room (Room 2168)
Reception: Rayburn Foyer

Forum online at:


To be announced

If you would like to receive periodic updates on the speaking schedule, please email us.



To be announced



The 2025 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency EXPO is open to the public and free.

The exhibits and Policy Forum will take place in the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington, D.C. See "Where" above for details.

The Policy Forum will also be webcast live here on Thursday, July 24 from 9 AM to 5:00 PM (EDT).

Advance registration is not required but is encouraged.



Environmental and Energy Study Institute



House Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Caucus

Senate Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Caucus


If you have any questions about the EXPO, please contact:

Rebecca Blood at [email protected]