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September 17, 2010
The NOPR proposes new nationally-applicable cost allocation principles and requires all transmission providers, whether in Regional Transmission Organizations or in bilateral markets, to participate in regional planning processes. It would direct planners to consider for inclusion in regional plans transmission facilities that advance public policy goals such as state renewable portfolio standards. Moreover, it seeks to remove any undue preference or advantage for incumbent transmission providers with respect to transmission development.
On September 17, 2010, the Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) and WIRES (Working group for Investment in Reliable and Economic electric Systems) held a briefing on the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and currently pending public comment. Following up on FERC Staff’s 2009 Notice of Inquiry and several technical conferences, the Commission is proposing major changes in how electric transmission is planned and potentially how it is paid for, as well as which entities may be permitted to compete to finance, construct, and own transmission infrastructure in the future. This briefing addressed the NOPR’s potential implications for the competitive environment, efficiency of the transmission planning process, fuel diversity, renewable energy development, consumer prices, and grid reliability. Perspectives from FERC, a state regulator, and various industry groups were heard.
This briefing was the seventh in a series co-sponsored by EESI and WIRES. The first six briefings were "How the Grid Works", "Policy Challenges to Grid Expansion", "Upgrading the Grid", "Cost Allocation", "Integrating Variable Renewable Resources", and "Planning to Expand and Upgrade the Grid".