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April 26, 2010
Twenty-nine states and the District of Columbia have renewable portfolio standards which require a minimum percentage of electricity to be produced from renewable resources, and federal standards are under consideration. This new focus on remote, clean energy sources will require that the existing high-voltage transmission network be expanded and upgraded. Accommodating the variability of potentially vast wind and solar resources requires transmission planners and operators, as well as renewable energy developers, to prioritize and manage interconnection requests, to aggregate generators over large areas, to improve system balancing techniques and coordinate operation of diverse kinds of generators, to study projected levels of renewable penetration in the market, to devise new market rules, to re-think allocation of related transmission costs, and to update technical requirements or seek any necessary changes in applicable regulations. Solutions may vary among markets or regions or among the affected resources.
On April 26, 2010, the Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) and WIRES (Working group for Investment in Reliable and Economic electric Systems) held a briefing on the integration of renewable resources into the electric grid. The current grid was developed at a time when power came from conventional fuel resources that could be stored and used as needed for reliable service. But renewable resources will require new transmission infrastructure and new operations and strategies to ensure that the power system remains reliable, efficient, and low-cost. This briefing addressed various factors that can help bring location-constrained renewable electricity, including power from resources often characterized by variable outputs, to distant markets.
This briefing was the fifth in a series co-sponsored by EESI and WIRES. The other briefings were "How the Grid Works", "Policy Challenges to Grid Expansion", "Upgrading the Grid", "Cost Allocation" and "Planning to Expand and Upgrade the Grid".