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November 19, 2020
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Overview of the transportation series
The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) held a briefing series on climate mitigation and adaptation in the transportation sector. The series covered ports, aviation, and public transit.
Public transit systems across the country have seen major declines in ridership due to COVID-19. In spite of this and other challenges brought on by the pandemic, many transit systems have not wavered on their climate and sustainability commitments. Dr. Cris Liban of Los Angeles Metro, Kammy Horne of VIA Metropolitan Transit in San Antonio, Texas, and Erik Johanson of Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority discussed the current state of their climate mitigation and adaptation work, and looked ahead to share the economic, health, equity, and community benefits of investing in transit.
Dr. Cris Liban, Chief Sustainability Officer, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, California
Kammy Horne, AICP, Senior Vice President of Planning and Development, VIA Metropolitan Transit, San Antonio, Texas
Erik Johanson, Chief Innovation Officer, Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA)
Q&A Session
How are transit agencies continuing their climate and sustainability work given the economic impacts of COVID? How will the ways these projects are funded allow them to continue?
Could you explain the relative importance of your local, state, and federal government as sources for funding and revenues? Are the policies you typically rely on state or federal?
What are the challenges and opportunities of electric buses? What needs to happen to increase electric bus adoption?
With respect to public transit, there seems to be a clear nexus of climate equity, climate justice, and sustainability. Can you speak about an equity-related initiative within VIA?
Highlights compiled by Hamilton Steimer