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September 2, 2020
Find out more about the briefings in this series below:
Overview of the Workforce Wednesdays series
Spiraling student-loan debt and low rates of college completion have encouraged a resurgence in career and technical education (CTE) in public schools. Panelists discussed the benefits of offering students CTE options and the policies and programs that help such programs flourish.
This briefing was part of a series of online briefings on workforce development and policies and programs that can support a low-carbon recovery from the COVID-19 economic crisis. Speakers discussed major challenges faced in each area and solutions providing economic and environmental benefits to communities across the country.
Supplemental EESI materials:
Ben Gitis, Senior Policy Analyst, Bipartisan Policy Center
Cody Janousek, Teacher, Green Tech Academy, Olathe West High School, Kansas
Bryan Butler, Aquaculture Teacher, Ocean Springs High School, Mississippi
Do you see a stigma against career and technical education (CTE), and does the environmental angle decrease that stigma?
What are the biggest barriers to CTE programs and how can federal agencies better support CTE programs?
How do you get materials for classes? Do you seek sponsors?
Compiled by Joseph Glandorf