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April 24, 2019
The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) and National Hydropower Association (NHA) invite you to a briefing on the role of hydropower in meeting U.S. climate and electric grid reliability and resiliency goals. In 2018, hydropower was the largest generator of renewable electricity in the United States. Beyond the benefit of providing clean, renewable energy generation, hydropower and pumped storage can also be a strategic partner for other, variable renewable energy resources. Pairing hydropower with wind and solar can help them achieve greater penetration and integration while optimizing grid performance.
Jeff Leahey, Deputy Executive Director, National Hydropower Association (NHA)
Suzanne Grassell, Governmental Affairs Program Manager, Chelan County Public Utility District
Chuck Sensiba, Partner, Troutman Sanders
Matt Swindle, Chairman and CEO, NLine Energy
Lori Pickford, Principal, The Ferguson Group (Don Pedro Hydroelectric Project Relicensing Case Study)
Paul Gay, Vice President, Strategic Marketing Innovations
Opportunities to upgrade and expand the existing hydro fleet, and for new project development, are available across the country. However, challenges holding the industry back from fully realizing this growth, including lack of valuation of hydropower’s benefits in energy and environmental markets and policy; regulatory uncertainty; and disparities in tax policy support.
This briefing will examine the energy, environmental and grid benefits hydropower (and other waterpower technologies, such as pumped storage, conduit power and marine energy) provides, as well as the policy changes needed to sustain hydropower projects and promote continued deployment. For more information, please see NHA’s newly released report: Reinvigorating Hydropower: A cornerstone of our, clean, affordable, reliable electric future.