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February 29, 2024
The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) held a briefing about the latest presidential budget proposal and the outlook for Congressional appropriations for fiscal year 2025. The briefing described the different stages of the appropriations process and how it interfaces with other legislative activity on the Hill. The briefing also shed light on the role of the 12 appropriations subcommittees and highlighted ways Congressional staff, working both on and off the appropriations committees, can engage with the process. Panelists showcased examples of investments in climate, energy, and environment research and innovation that bring the process to life.
Angela Jones, Analyst in Environmental Policy, Congressional Research Service (CRS)
Natasha Vidangos, Associate Vice President of Innovation and Technology Policy, Environmental Defense Fund
Franz Wuerfmannsdobler, Advisory Board Member, Environmental and Energy Study Institute, formerly Congressional staffer for U.S. Senators Chris Coons (D-Del.), Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.), and Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.); Professional Staff, Senate Appropriations Committee
Q: How do the processes for developing bills differ between the 12 appropriations subcommittees?
Q: What are some differences between a report language request and a programmatic request and how can they help further Congressional priorities?
Q: Does EDF plan to update the Climate Innovation Tracker throughout the appropriations process to include how different versions of the budget would affect program funding, or add Department of Defense funding?
Q: Why do some senators choose not to make earmark requests?
Q: What can people do now to understand what is happening in the appropriations process and set themselves up for the next cycle?
Q: What are some ways the appropriations process might look different for majority members of Congress versus minority members?
Q: What are some of the different ways the appropriations process has gone in recent years?
Q: What is EDF’s vision for the Climate Innovation Tracker in the upcoming fiscal year?
Q: What are some of the essential resources to rely on in this process?
Compiled by Emily Phillips and Kylie Tugend and edited for clarity and length. This is not a transcript.