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Uma Atre was a Communications and Policy Intern at EESI during the spring of 2020. She received a Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies from the George Washington University.
From College to EESI to Community Solar: Two Friends Journey into Renewable Energy
What We Can Learn from Colleges and Universities Meeting Their Net Carbon Neutral Goals
State and Federal Efforts to Address the Murder Hornet Menace
Innovations in River Renewable Energy Power Remote Alaskan Communities
Solar-Powered Learning: Dominion Energy Supports K-12 Clean Energy Curriculum
Better Bike Infrastructure Improves Environmental and Human Health
House Energy Committee Discusses Energy Efficiency and Storage Bills
Pollinator-Friendly Solar Installations Benefit Wildlife, Farmers, Climate
New Jersey is at the Forefront of Climate Change Adaptation
Hearing Looks at Stricter Public Disclosure Requirements for Oil and Gas Drilling on Public Lands