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Jeff is working on aviation issues related to emissions mitigation. Prior to joining EESI, Jeff completed a career in aviation at US Airways, and following the company’s merger with American Airlines, retired as an American employee. Jeff holds an MA in Science, Technology and Public Policy from George Washington University, and in Sustainability and Environmental Management from Harvard Extension School.
Issue Brief | The Growth in Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Commercial Aviation (2019, updated 2022)
U.S. and International Commitments to Tackle Commercial Aviation Emissions
Federal Programs Advancing Sustainable Commercial Aircraft and Engine Technologies
Sustainable Aviation Fuel on the Global Climate Agenda
Corporations, Nonprofits, and Airlines Cooperate to Expand Sustainable Aviation Fuels Use and Capacity
An Introduction to Sustainable Aviation Fuels
Grand Challenge and Federal Legislation Seek to Advance Sustainable Aviation Fuels
New Legislation Sets Policy Menu for Sustainable Aviation Fuels
Climate Crisis Staff Report Aims to Build Back a Cleaner, More Resilient Aviation Sector
The Coronavirus Impact on Aviation’s Climate Action
A Zero Carbon Home on the National Solar Tour