You are vital to making change! The world is getting hotter, and so is the issue of climate change as you demand action. With record-breaking extreme weather and warmth taking place, it is essential to move forward with both climate mitigation and resilience. You do both when you pledge to give to EESI with workplace giving.

With your workplace giving pledge, you’re advancing clean energy, more disaster-resilient communities, and climate solutions. It’s simple with budget-friendly payroll-based contributions.

Your workplace is probably part of an increasing number of organizations making it easier for their employees to contribute to sustainability efforts through workplace-giving federations, such as EarthShare.

If you are an employee or retiree of the military or federal government, you can designate pledges to EESI with our Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) number, #10627.

Companies that participate include the World Bank, Dell, American Express, and Accenture—and many more!

Check with your human resources department to see if EESI is listed. If we are not, you may have the ability to designate a nonprofit of your choice and write us in as your donation recipient.

Addressing climate change has many challenges; you can help us find solutions.


Author: Georgie Melrose