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November 24, 2010
Did you know that you may be able to support EESI through convenient payroll deductions at your workplace? Contributing to EESI through your workplace giving program is a simple way to help secure a healthier, more sustainable future for us all — pledge now and support EESI all year long!
Washington, DC-area employees can give through the United Way of the National Capital Area. Just choose #0921 on your pledge card.
Employees at other workplaces (private sector, state governments, universities, etc.) can give to EESI through EarthShare, a federation of environmental and conservation nonprofits that sets up workplace giving programs throughout the country. Participating employers include Accenture, Citizens Bank, The New York Times Company, Harvard University, MacArthur Foundation, State of Ohio, World Bank, and many more. If you’re not sure if your employer participates, or you’d like to encourage your workplace to host its own EarthShare campaign, please contact Susan Williams, EESI Director of Development, at swilliams [at] or (202) 662-1887.