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October 5, 2010
On October 5, Obama administration officials announced that solar panels and a solar hot water heater will be installed on the White House by the spring of 2011. "This project reflects President Obama's strong commitment to U.S. leadership in solar energy and the jobs it will create here at home," Energy Secretary Steven Chu said in a written statement. "Deploying solar energy technologies across the country will help America lead the global economy for years to come."
By installing the solar energy systems on the White House, Nancy Sutley, chairwoman of the Council of Environmental Quality, said the president is underscoring a commitment to "lead, and the promise and importance of renewable energy in the United States."
The solar photovoltaic panels and water heater will provide emissions-free energy to meet two different household needs: electricity and hot water. The Energy Department will use a competitive procurement process to select companies to make and install these systems.
This is not the first time solar energy systems have been installed on the White House. Former Presidents Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush installed solar panels on White House grounds during each of their presidencies.
Click here to learn more about solar energy technologies.