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January 16, 2020
What makes EESI a fantastic place are the amazing people who work there—such as David with his relaxed voice but pointed wit, and Ellen, a truly kind soul who knows just about everything, and Amaury who is working on an incredible board game. (To be fair, my perspective might be skewed on the game because I won a playtest of it.)
Then there are the infamous Dans, Dan O. and Dan B.—one will make you hot chocolate and the other will make an obscure reference to pop culture. Carol is a gem of energy and passion who walks fast and has a clever smile. Miguel could tell you all about the fascinating aspects of trains and airplanes you’ve never heard of, and John-Michael is possibly one of the most helpful and friendly humans to ever exist over phone call. Jonathan makes you think about wonderful potential things and brings in fancy Georgia chocolate with ginger inside.
Anna and Amber are the official ‘A’ team, brilliant stars who will show you the best thrift store to shop at or how to make lovely homemade pizzas. Bostonian Susan shares stories, strength, and advice from her home, while Tom is a gent easily wowed by simple, beautiful things and easy to talk to about complicated dreams. Spending time with the wise and astoundingly kind Jeff has consistently been one of the best parts of my day. A shout out to Jared and Shelley for bringing energy and light into the whole room when they walk in!
EESI is small but mighty. They care a crazy amount about their mission, and they balance each other out to achieve their goals. Climate change is a terrifying crisis, and a crisis we are all in— even if we are too blessed to realize the full situation. Yet, it is because we are blessed that we have the opportunity to do something about it! As the news becomes more and more difficult to read, EESI pushes through the temptation of apathy. We can turn things around, we just need to take action. The possibilities are before us, and we are in control of our own fate.
I am so thankful for EESI and my time spent there as an intern. I know we’ll all keep doing our best to fight the good fight because our planet is worth saving.
Author: Georgie Melrose, former EESI Intern