In the weeks before Paul Haven retired early from his directorial position at a large telecommunications company, his colleagues asked what his plans were. He told them he was going to determine how to do something about climate change. He wanted his children to know he had done everything he could to accelerate our transformation to a clean energy economy. Maybe he could apply his network operations and IT knowledge to the electric grid network.

He found out about an EESI briefing on the electric grid. He was impressed, finding a standing-room-only crowded at a House office building room. The articulate moderator, the panel’s incredibly deep and broad knowledge, and the dialogue between the panel and audience members all deeply captivated Paul. It was clear to Paul that one of the Congressional staffers asking questions of the panel was working on gathering background for legislation on the development and transition to a smart grid. Improving this grid is essential for deploying renewable energy more effectively. It was clear to Paul that this briefing was a key part of generating more effective law and policy to transform the electric grid.

Paul has been a professional volunteer with EESI since November, providing invaluable support in upgrading our database while seeking out potential improvements, supporting the development of new program ideas, and cheerfully providing assistance in a whole range of activities. Paul has been incredibly generous to EESI with his time. Indeed EESI is fortunate to be able to multiply the impact of our work through many volunteers who are committed to helping to transition our country to clean energy. Thank you, Paul!

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