On July 14, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee held hearings to consider the roles agriculture and transportation could play in climate legislation currently being drafted by the Senate. Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA), committee chair, stated that agriculture would play a major role in the bill, while some expressed concern regarding potential harm future legislation may have on the rural economy. “I have strong concerns about whether this legislation will in the end result in higher costs for farmers,” said Sen. Mike Crapo (R-ID). "But I would like to find a win-win situation for everyone.” In response to concerns that legislation may increase costs for farmers, Sen. Boxer said, “If we do nothing and argue over this to the point of stalling everything, the farmers in my state will be desperate, as they see more droughts and more warming.”

The committee also heard testimony from Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood on the need for reducing vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and boosting funding for public transportation. LaHood stated that in addition to the increase in fuel economy standards mandated by President Obama, any climate legislation must include strategies to reduce VMT. The Energy Information Administration has projected that VMT will increase 15 percent by 2030, noted Steve Winkelman from the Center for Clean Air Policy. “Although this is a slower growth rate than the recent past, it will effectively offset the emissions savings expected from the improved fuel efficiency and low carbon fuels requirements [of Congress and the Obama administration],” Winkelman said. Other experts indicated that when planning public transit projects, designers and lawmakers must take into account land use policies in an effort to reduce sprawl and make communities more walkable.

For additional information see: New York Times , Wall Street Journal , Washington Independent

(This article is from EESI's weekly electronic newsletter Climate Change News . To read more from Climate Change News or sign up for a free subscription, please click here .)