Polling conducted by Morning Consult, and paid for by the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA), of 2,047 registered voters in the United States found that 62 percent of those surveyed either strongly support or somewhat support the renewable fuel standard (RFS).  At the same time, 51 percent of those polled opposed federal tax incentives provided to oil companies.  According to Morning Consult, the poll finds that voters support using federal tax incentives to grow the cellulosic ethanol sector versus supporting the oil industry by a 30-point margin.   

The online poll weighted the data to take a representative sample of voters.  It surveyed Democratic, Republican and Independent individuals in households in the Southeast, Midwest, West, and Northeast.  Of respondents, 81 percent were white, 53 percent lived in suburban areas, and 37 percent were employed in the private sector; 40 percent responded positively to the question, “is the country going in the right direction,” and 47 percent approved of the job the President is doing.

Total support of advanced cellulosic fuels versus general RFS support were about equal, with 65 and 62 percent of respondents, respectively. Total support for advanced cellulosic fuels was evenly split between Democrats and Independents and Republicans, with 68 percent of Democrats in support, 65 percent of Independents and 62 percent of Republicans supporting federal support of the expansion of advanced fuels.  Additionally, total support for the federal government requiring auto makers to manufacture renewable and alternative fuel vehicles was strong, at 69 percent.

For more information see:

Renewable Fuels Association Poll: Over Six in 10 Voters Support the RFS, Morning Consult