On February 9, 26 Senators sent a letter to EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy, asking the agency to finalize 2014 volumes and quickly set 2015 and 2016 numbers. Separately, Sen. Boxer (D-CA) and Ranking Minority Member of the Committee for Environment and Public Works, which has oversight of the EPA, has written to EPA on the subject. Under the Renewable Fuel Standard, the agency can separately set fuel volumes for various categories.

Biodiesel is the first commercial scale advanced biofuel, as defined by the EPA.  It is sourced from reclaimed fats and oils, including soybean oil, as well as recycled cooking oil and animal fats.  Despite production levels of nearly 1.8 billion gallons of biodiesel in 2013, last year’s proposed renewable volume obligates (RVOs) would reduce this amount to 1.28 billion gallons, squeezing this successful industry. 

Unlike other fuel categories under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), biodiesel volumes are to be set 14 months ahead of the applicable year. According to the letter, the uncertainty created by the delayed biodiesel standards has created “tremendous uncertainty and hardship for the U.S. biodiesel industry and its thousands of employees.” 


For more information see:

Senator Boxer letter to EPA, Committee on Environment and Public Works

Senate letter to EPA on biodiesel, Biodiesel.org