On June 24, Senate Democrats concluded their second meeting to discuss potential energy and climate legislation, with Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) indicating that he prefers legislation linked to overhauling offshore drilling regulation. “Whatever form it takes, we're going to move forward," Reid said. "We agree we must deal with the catastrophe in the Gulf, we must create millions of new jobs, we must cut pollution and we must strengthen our national security and energy independence."

Reid’s legislative package could include pieces from a number of energy bills currently being considered: Sens. John Kerry (D-MA) and Joe Lieberman’s (I-CT) American Power Act , which would establish a cap and trade program; Sen. Jeff Bingaman’s (D-NM) American Clean Energy and Leadership Act , which creates a national renewable electricity standard but without a cap on carbon emissions; Sens. Maria Cantwell (D-WA) and Susan Collins’(R-ME) Carbon Limits and Energy for America’s Renewal Act , a “cap and dividend” bill; and Sen. Richard Lugar’s (R-IN) “Practical Energy and Climate Plan” that includes support for renewable energy, efficiency standards and support for nuclear energy.

“The Democratic caucus realizes that we have a problem," Reid said after the meeting. "We have a phenomenon here that if we don't do something about, our planet's destruction could be there. The security of our nation depends on a good energy policy." A number of key senators are expected to meet with President Obama to discuss energy policy, possibly sometime the week of June 28. The visit is being rescheduled to follow up on a June 23 meeting that was canceled.

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