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July 23, 2019
The 14th Annual North American Passive House Conference will be held in Washington, DC, from December 4 to 8.
Presented by the Passive House Institute US (PHIUS) in partnership with the Passive House Alliance US (PHAUS), the event is the leading passive building conference for climate-specific zero energy design, construction, and building science.
American economist and social theorist Jeremy Rifkin will deliver the opening keynote address.
14th Annual North American Passive House Conference
Washington, DC | Hyatt Regency Crystal City
Pre-Conference: December 4 – 5, 2019 Core Conference: December 6 – 7, 2019 Passive Projects Tour: December 8, 2019
For architects, builders, developers, engineers, construction professionals of all stripes, and—especially—for those lucky enough to occupy them, passive house buildings check all the boxes:
These benefits explain why the number of passive buildings certified and built each year grows exponentially. There’s no better way to learn how to best ride the wave than attending the 14th Annual North American Passive House Conference in Washington, DC. Attendees will benefit from real-world case studies on projects ranging from single family homes to high-rises, the latest on mechanical systems, building science, constructions details, and an Expo Hall full of the latest building components.
EESI is a co-promotional partner for the conference.