When we look back on 2020, we will remember it more for the tragedies of the coronavirus pandemic and racial injustice than climate policy advancements.  However, there was some progress.  Congress was able to pass some important clean energy and climate bills and held many hearings laying the groundwork for future action.

EESI compiles all bills and committee hearings related to climate and the environment in our legislative tracker, which is disseminated in our biweekly newsletter Climate Change Solutions. We also publish regular articles on particularly notable Hill happenings.

The following is a list of EESI articles highlighting selected legislation and hearings throughout 2020. Articles are organized by subject matter and in chronological order of when the events they describe occurred.

Subjects covered are:

EESI additionally compiled and analyzed all Congressional hearings in 2020, which can be found here.

Environmental Justice and the Energy Transition:

Environmental Justice Bill Seeks to Incorporate Climate Justice into Federal Actions

House Natural Resources Committee Chair Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.) and Representative Donald McEachin (D-Va.) introduced the Environmental Justice for All Act (H.R.5989) in February 2020. The bill aims to integrate environmental justice considerations into all steps of federal decision-making.


Assistance to Fossil Fuel-Dependent Communities Included in Environmental Justice Bill

The Environmental Justice for All Act (H.R.5986), introduced into the House Committee on Natural Resources on February 27, seeks to assist transitioning workers and communities, in addition to pursuing several other environmental justice goals.


Natural Resources Committee Democrats Explore Intersection of Environmental Justice and the Coronavirus

On April 28, 2020, Democrats on the House Natural Resources Committee held a virtual roundtable on Environmental Justice Community Impacts from the Coronavirus Health & Economic Crises to explore the connections between environmental hazards and the novel coronavirus.


$3 Trillion HEROES Act Would Provide Assistance to Vulnerable Communities during Pandemic

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act, Public Law No: 116-136), which was signed into law on March 27, 2020, and provided trillions of dollars in emergency relief, was understood to be only one piece of the overall federal relief strategy. The House of Representatives passed its follow-up to the CARES Act, the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act (HEROES Act, H.R.6800), on May 15, 2020.


A Proposal for a “Marshall Plan” to Ease Energy Transition in Coal Dependent Communities

On July 23, 2020, Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) introduced the Marshall Plan for Coal Country Act (S.4306) to address the needs of coal communities as the nation transitions to a cleaner energy system.


House Energy and Commerce Committee Explores Potential for Clean, Green Recovery

The House Energy and Commerce Committee held a hearing on September 16 titled Building a 100 Percent Clean Economy: Opportunities for an Equitable, Low-Carbon Recovery. The hearing considered prospects for green investments designed to spur an economic recovery as the country emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic.


Community Voices at Center of Environmental Justice Now Tour

In a project called the “Environmental Justice Now Tour,” Democrats on the House Natural Resources Committee are holding a series of discussions beginning in September with community leaders and activists on environmental justice. The tour is centered around the Environmental Justice for All Act (H.R.5986/S.4401).


Arctic Voices Bring Attention to Climate Crisis, Need for Inclusive Federal Adaptation Policy in Alaska

On October 5, the House Natural Resources Committee's Democrats held a forum featuring four representatives from Arctic tribes. Panelists discussed shocking environmental changes in the Arctic and policy solutions that could help tribes build resilience in a changing world.


Environmental Justice Now Tour -- A Just Transition in Appalachia

The Environmental Justice Now Tour, a program started by the House Natural Resources Committee Democrats, has made its latest stop in Appalachia. The Tour allows community voices from all across the nation to share their experiences with environmental injustices and weigh in on the Environmental Justice for All Act (HR. 5986/S. 4401).


Oceans and the Coast

New Act Highlights Little-Known Pathway to Absorb Emissions

The Blue Carbon for Our Planet Act (H.R.5589/S.3939) draws attention to a little-known—but critically important—pathway to absorb carbon emissions: coastal wetland ecosystems that act as carbon sinks, otherwise known as “blue carbon” ecosystems.


Federal Grant Process in another Hurdle for Communities Facing Coastal Threats

On October 15, the House Natural Resources Committee's Subcommittee on Water, Oceans, and Wildlife held a hearing titled Environmental Justice for Coastal Communities: Examining Inequities in Federal Grantmaking. Witnesses discussed the obstacles communities face when applying for federal funding for pre-disaster and disaster recovery projects, and how those obstacles can deepen inequality in historically underserved areas.


Major Oceans Bill Puts Community Resilience at the Forefront

The Ocean-Based Climate Solutions Act (H.R.8632), an ambitious piece of climate legislation recently introduced in Congress, aims to make major strides in improving the resilience of America’s coastlines to major storms and flooding exacerbated by climate change. The legislation was introduced on October 20 in the House of Representatives by Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.), along with 13 original Democratic cosponsors.


Agriculture, Land Use, and Forestry:

Experts Discuss Agricultural Technology Needs in Rural America During Small Business Committee Hearing

Rural communities suffer as small and mid size farms are unable to compete with large scale operations. Increasing input costs, strained water resources, plateauing crop yields, and less predictable weather patterns are making it difficult for farms to remain soluble. Witnesses discussed the scope of these challenges and offered solutions during a January Small Business Committee Hearing.


House GOP’s Climate Plan Discussed During Trillion Trees Act Hearing

During a February hearing some Republicans, including the bill’s sponsor Representative Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.), declared the Trillion Trees Act a “pragmatic first step” to draw down existing atmospheric CO2 by planting trees and making changes to forest management.

A similar one trillion trees initiative had been endorsed in January by President Trump at the 2020 World Economic Forum.


Bipartisan Bill would “Grow” Sustainable Agricultural Practices through Carbon Offset Markets

The Growing Climate Solutions Act (S.3894/H.R.7393) was introduced in the House and Senate in June 2020. The bills would promote sustainable land use and farming practices by lowering barriers to entry into voluntary carbon offset markets for farmers and forest owners.


Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency:

House Energy Committee Discusses Energy Efficiency and Storage Bills

The House Energy and Commerce Committee reviewed a series of bills on energy efficiency and energy storage in a Subcommittee on Energy hearing held on February 12. The hearing consisted of two panels and evaluated numerous bills.


Major Energy Bill Missing Key Provisions to Reduce Emissions: Energy Efficient Building Codes

The American Energy Innovation Act (S. 2657), was introduced in the Senate in early March. If enacted it would be the first major energy policy bill since the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007.


Emerging Marine Renewable Energy Tech Highlighted in Senate Hearing, Bill

The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee held a hearing on September 25 to examine emerging offshore energy sources. Speakers discussed the current state and future opportunities of these technologies, along with federal policies and programs that can support their development and deployment.


New Legislation Sets Policy Menu for Sustainable Aviation Fuels

On November 18, Representative Julia Brownley (D-Calif.) introduced the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Act (H.R. 8769). The bill, described by Rep. Brownley during a recent EESI aviation briefing, establishes a national goal for the U.S. aviation sector of a net 35 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2035 and net-zero domestic and international aviation emissions by 2050.


Public Lands and Conservation:

Hearing Looks at Stricter Public Disclosure Requirements for Oil and Gas Drilling on Public Lands

On January 28 the House Committee on Natural Resources Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources held a hearing to discuss the importance of stricter public disclosure requirements for fossil fuel companies operating on public land.


House Hearing Held on Bill to End Fossil Fuel Leasing on Public Lands

The American Public Lands and Waters Climate Solution Act of 2019 (H.R.5435) seeks to reduce emissions by limiting domestic fossil fuel extraction on public lands. On February 26, the House Committee on Natural Resources held a hearing to discuss the bill.


State and Federal Efforts to Address the Murder Hornet Menace

On May 8 House Committee on Natural Resources Chair Raúl M. Grijalva (D-Ariz.), introduced the Murder Hornet Eradication Act. This proposed legislation would create $4 million in funding from the Department of Interior to support state efforts to exterminate Asian giant hornets and restore bee populations impacted by the hornet.


Senate Votes to Permanently Support Land and Water Conservation Fund

The Great American Outdoors Act (GAO Act, S.3422), introduced by Senators Corey Gardner (R-Co.) and Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) has wide bipartisan support, and passed the Senate in a 73-25 vote June 17, 2020. (The bill was later passed into law.)


Current Federal Action to Combat Wildfires Discussed During House Hearing

On September 24, the House of Representatives Committee on Agriculture’s Conservation and Forestry Subcommittee held a hearing to discuss the federal role responding to and recovering from the 2020 wildfires. John Phipps, the U.S. Forest Service’s Deputy Chief for State and Private Forestry, was the hearing’s sole witness.



Better Bike Infrastructure Improves Environmental and Public Health

On March 4, the Congressional Bike Caucus held a briefing to discuss several bills that address bicycle safety and promotion, transportation alternatives, and other bicycle-related community projects.


The INVEST in America Act Addresses Climate Change Through Resilient, Clean Infrastructure

House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Chair Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.) released the Investing in a New Vision for the Environment and Surface Transportation in America (INVEST in America) Act (H.R.2), a 5-year, $494 billion surface transportation bill. The INVEST in America Act aims to transform America’s aging infrastructure by funding projects that increase the safety, reliability, and resilience of surface transportation while mitigating climate change.


Senate Infrastructure Hearings Light on Climate Considerations

In early June two Senate committees convened hearings on transportation and infrastructure. During both hearings, witnesses and Members of Congress addressed the impacts of COVID-19 on the transportation sector, and witnesses advocated for a robust federal infrastructure package to spur economic recovery from the pandemic.


On the Move: Unpacking the Challenges and Opportunities of Electric Vehicles

Congress is actively working to break down barriers for electric vehicles. A recent piece of legislation, the Charging Helps Agencies Realize General Efficiencies (CHARGE) Act (Public Law No: 116-160) became law on October 1, 2020. Another recent piece of legislation looks towards a more comprehensive expansion of EVs. The Electric Vehicle Freedom Act, or EV Freedom Act (H.R. 5770), proposed in February by Rep. Andy Levin (D-Mich.), intends to construct electric vehicle supply equipment along all public roads in the National Highway System within five years.


The House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis

EESI followed actions from the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis closely and highlighted several issue areas covered in the majority staff report, Solving the Climate Crisis: The Congressional Action Plan for a Clean Energy Economy and a Healthy, Resilient, and Just America. Those headlines are as follows:



Compiled by: Amber Todoroff


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