The NASEO 2020 Energy Policy Outlook Conference and Innovation Summit will examine the key policies and initiatives needed to drive modernization and resilience across our energy infrastructure—grid, pipelines, buildings, transportation. Join top state and federal energy policymakers and private sector leaders from around the country on February 4-7, 2020 in Washington, D.C. for in-depth discussions of the critical investments needed for strong, reliable, and affordable grid, transportation, and buildings systems, as well as the latest news from the 117th Congress and the Administration.

EESI is a media partner for the event.

The National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) is the only national non-profit association for the governor-designated energy officials from each of the 56 states and territories. Formed by the states in 1986, NASEO facilitates peer learning among state energy officials, serves as a resource for and about state energy offices, and advocates the interests of the state energy offices to Congress and federal agencies.