Does your workplace have a matching gift program? This is a great way to double your impact on climate change action. Many corporations and other employers match donations that their employees make!

Why? It’s a benefit to you, the employee—your workplace is helping you create more good in the world (in this case, furthering equitable climate solutions).

It’s also, of course, a tax-deductible charitable gift for your company (and you!).

Sadly, many employees don’t know about these programs that allow donors to double their impact.

Can you believe that experts say $4 to 7 billion in potential corporate matching gifts aren’t actually matched each year?

Many people simply don’t know how to get a matching gift. But it’s easy!

Generally, all you have to do is:

  1. Make a donation to EESI.
  2. Check with HR to see if your employer has a matching gift program.
  3. Follow your employer’s directions to submit a matching gift request.
  4. Your company and EESI will take it from there and make an additional gift, increasing your impact!

Some companies will even match your gift at a ratio higher than 1:1, meaning they will donate even more than you originally did! EESI has seen some employers do 2:1, meaning a $100 gift becomes $300 — and a $1,000 gift becomes $3,000!

It is important to take a look at your company’s guidelines when it comes to matching gifts, as there can be different minimum/maximum match amounts and employee or nonprofit eligibility requirements.

If you have any questions about matching gifts, please contact EESI’s Tim Slattery at 202-662-1890 or [email protected].