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April 22, 2010
April 22 is the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. Much has been accomplished since the 1970s to clean up our air and water. But now we must focus on another urgent environmental problem -- climate change -- caused primarily by the burning of fossil fuels for energy.
The good news is that the United States and the world are already investing in energy efficiency and renewable energy . And this transition to clean energy has multiple benefits -- creating jobs, stimulating local economies, strengthening our national security, and improving public health.
The U.S. government has finally taken a leadership role and begun to address climate change. President Obama helped broker an international agreement to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at last December’s negotiations in Copenhagen. The House of Representatives passed landmark legislation to limit GHG emissions and promote energy efficiency and renewable energy. The Senate is currently working on its version of energy and climate legislation, and a federal transportation bill on the horizon will provide another opportunity to reduce emissions.
But despite the overwhelming scientific evidence of human-caused climate change, deniers are still making their voices heard on Capitol Hill. Federal policymakers need credible, science-based information to make important decisions about climate change -- as well as creative ideas and compelling research on solutions that can make a real difference within this decade.
As a nonpartisan educational organization, EESI fills that role. This Earth Day, you can help EESI continue to be a resource to Congress and our country. You can help in several ways: