Few Americans actually talk about climate change. According to research presented at our March 28 briefing, Climate Change in the American Mind, fewer than 10 percent of Americans discuss climate change with their friends, colleagues, or family members. This Earth Month, why not strike up a conversation with your friends and family? We can counter environmental apathy by raising awareness of climate change and sustainable solutions!

Here are some ideas for clean energy and climate conversation starters:

  • Did you know 2018 was in the top five hottest years on record? 2016, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2014… Seems like we are breaking records for hottest year on record almost every year now with climate change!
  • My basement stopped flooding once I put in a rain garden and permeable surfaces in my yard! Do you have any issues with basement flooding? We need natural ways to manage storm water runoff, as these storms keep getting more intense.
  • I’m putting solar panels on my roof – it will pay off so quickly, I was surprised! Have you switched to renewable energy? You may not even need to install solar panels! Several utilities offer renewable options to their customers.
  • I started taking transit to work. It’s less stressful and I’m cutting vehicle emissions. I’m glad to be reducing my own carbon footprint!
  • Do you want to join me in an “Earth Day” craft day with the kids? We could make upcycled sun-catchers, seed bombs, or a DIY compost bin or rain barrel and decorate the outside! Kids today will feel the most climate impacts, so we should get them engaged quickly.

You don’t have to be a scientist to talk about climate change! As long as you know the basics and you can show why you care about this subject, you’ll be an effective communicator. Remember, people like to hear about solutions and not just problems!

Can you chip in to help EESI bring forth policy-level solutions to complement your personal actions? Thank you for giving today!


Author: Ashley Schnakenberg