The visitor center at the Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest (in Clermont, Kentucky) won the EPA's Lifecyle Building Challenge in 2009
Courtesy of the Bernheim Arboretum & Research Forest

This week is High Performance Building Week (May 14-19, 2012)! The High Performance Building Congressional Caucus and Coalition has lined up a series of events on and around Capitol Hill. One of the week's highlights will be the May 16 Moynihan Symposium on Public Design , a free event that will explore the future of federal architecture at the Washington Convention Center. The American Institute of Architects will also hold its National Convention and Design Exposition in D.C. this week, from May 17 to 19. Click here for information and to RSVP All are invited to attend and learn what a high performance home or building is, how energy efficiency and "green" attributes are integrated with other design priorities such as resiliency and cost effectiveness, and about some of the key policy issues. For more information, contact Ellen Vaughan evaughan [at], 202-662-1893.