Do you want to continue to see advances in clean energy and climate policy? You can support our work for sensible and sustainable solutions by giving at work, through easy, budget-friendly payroll-based donations. Make your pledge now and feel good all year-long, knowing that you are helping to make the world a better place.

If you work for the federal, state or local government, or in the private sector, chances are your employer offers workplace giving. Check with your Human Resources Department today!

Federal and military employees can give to EESI using CFC number #10627.

Workplaces understand that their employees want to support sustainability and are providing them with the opportunity to donate to environmental nonprofits through safe, simple and secure giving. Companies that offer this include Accenture,, American Express, Dell, the World Bank, and so many more. Chances are you can give today at your office! EESI is a member of the EarthShare workplace giving federation.

If you care about the environment, clean energy and climate action, you can make a difference when you give to EESI.

Why donate to EESI? EESI has been named a Four Star Charity, the highest rating possible, by Charity Navigator, the nation’s premiere charity evaluator. EESI is also very proud to have received more than 100 glowing reviews on GreatNonprofits, a site that lets users leave reviews and rate their experiences with nonprofits. EESI has been awarded a “Top Rated” award for six years in a row and was the first DC environmental nonprofit to be “Top Rated” for 2016. The reviews speak for themselves about the value of our work and services!

One GreatNonprofits reviewer said, “EESI puts on great events to bring together industry, non-profit, government, and academics in the renewable energy industry. It plays a vital role and has a much higher profile than many other non-profits in this space.”

People like you have helped EESI make a significant impact on Capitol Hill, but our country desperately needs to continue taking steps to completely pledge to clean energy. At this critical time of impending transition, you can help increase efforts to provide policymakers with compelling stories that showcase the many benefits of clean energy.

Your workplace gift goes a long way at EESI. By pledging to give even $10 a paycheck, you can help EESI advance countless sensible and sustainable solutions. You and others like you help make all this possible, as EESI does not receive Congressional funds.

  • Giving $5 per paycheck will provide one month’s transit stipend for an intern. You are helping to train the next generation of leaders on critical energy policy issues!
  • Giving $7 per paycheck will provide every Congressional office with an informational packet on EESI's briefings about the key environmental and energy topics that policymakers are making decisions on.
  • Giving $18 per paycheck will allow us to livecast/videotape one of our Capitol Hill forums and upload the video to our YouTube channel, which people all across the nation and the globe access for information and expertise.

Thank you for putting your commitment to sustainable energy at work in so many ways – including by supporting clean energy at the office. If you’re a federal employee or member of the military, please choose CFC #10627. Ask your HR department about giving to EESI through your workplace today!