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October 19, 2022
Each year, the presidency of the United Nations Climate Change Conference, or COP, selects key themes for each day of the conference to elevate different aspects of international climate coordination and action. Egypt is hosting COP27 and has announced the following schedule for 2022’s thematic days.
Week 1
Finance Day - November 9
Science Day - November 10
Youth and Future Generations Day - November 10
Decarbonization Day - November 11
Adaptation and Agriculture Day - November 12
Week 2 - Find resources about these days in our second article
Gender Day - November 14
Water Day - November 14
Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) and Civil Society Day - November 15
Energy Day - November 15
Biodiversity Day - November 16
Solutions Day - November 17
We have compiled the Egyptian Presidency’s description of each day followed by relevant EESI resources to draw connections between U.S. climate policies and programs and these international priorities. This article contains the resources for Week 1 of COP27. For Week 2, click here.
If any of the terms used in the COP27 presidency text are unfamiliar, check out EESI’s abbreviated version of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Glossary of Terms to get more information.
Finance is the cornerstone for implementing climate actions and scaling up ambition and hence it has been at the heart of the UNFCCC process and the Paris Agreement negotiations. The 2021 Glasgow outcomes also reiterated the centrality of finance as a catalyst for progress on all aspects of the global climate agenda and many Parties demonstrated the political will to deliver on finance commitments.
The Finance Day will address several aspects of the climate finance ecosystem, including, but not limited to, innovative and blended finance and financial instruments, tools, and policies that have the potential to enhance access, scale up finance, and contribute to the transition envisaged and needed, including those related to debt for environment swaps. The Finance Day will also feature the holding of one or more of the mandated events, including the ministerial finance roundtable. (Text adapted from the COP27 Presidency)
How Can Revolving Loan Programs Make Our Coasts More Resilient? details how revolving loan programs can serve as self-replenishing financial mechanisms to help coastal communities improve their resilience to climate impacts.
Inclusive Financing Programs for Solar and Electrification provides an in-depth look at on-bill financing programs and how they can be effectively deployed to increase affordability, improve access to clean energy upgrades, and improve energy equity in rural communities.
Financing Inclusive Clean Energy Investments in Rural America details how the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Rural Energy Savings Program provides zero-percent loans for energy efficiency, beneficial electrification, and renewable energy on-bill financing programs.
The Role of International Climate Finance describes international climate finance negotiations and mechanisms under the UNFCCC and the U.S. role in international climate finance.
Unlocking Capital for Climate Solutions shares expertise on how a national climate bank could deploy capital to advance climate change solutions.
"Financing Energy Efficiency Projects for Nonprofits" shares information on how nonprofits can use internal, external, and state resources, as well as utility rebates, to install cost-effective energy retrofits.
"Green Banks: Driving Clean Energy Investments and Saving Families Money" details how green banks can help remove barriers to owning clean energy, such as by deploying on-bill financing.
"Infrastructure Policy and Programs: Financing" shares essential resources created by EESI to help readers understand programs and policies that help finance climate infrastructure.
"Ithaca’s Creative Approach to Financing Carbon Neutrality Goals" shares how the small city in upstate New York has used private equity, a loan-loss reserve, and a stop-loss insurance policy to provide on-bill financing and fund building retrofitting and energy efficiency upgrades.
"Study Highlights Ways to Narrow the Solar Equity Gap" provides details on policies and business models, like property-assessed clean energy financing, that can increase adoption of solar energy in low- to moderate-income households.
"Tax Policies for the Energy Transition," part of EESI’s series on the American Council on Renewable Energy’s 2021 Policy Forum, discusses smart tax policies that can aid the transition to a renewable energy economy.
"What Is the Role of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency in a Low-Carbon Future?" unpacks the Cleaning Up Cryptocurrency: The Energy Impacts of Blockchain House hearing and details the risks, threats, and potential of blockchain and cryptocurrency in relation to U.S. energy and climate goals.
The year 2022 witnessed several landmark science reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and other institutions. Ocean science as well as outcomes from Oceans Conferences, including the third U.N. Oceans Conference, are gaining relevance and linkages to the global climate agenda are evident. The science related to the U.N. Convention to Combat Desertification and U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity is also clearly relevant and interlinked with the climate action agenda.
The Science Day will include panel discussions and events to bring forward the outcomes of the reports and their recommendations and further enhance engagement of the climate community, practitioners, and different stakeholders to discuss the linkages and findings related to climate change. It will also provide an opportunity to engage with the science community and academia and bring their views into the conversation so as to ensure that all work and action is based on solid, credible science, and further discuss roles of academia in support for global action to tackle climate change. (Text adapted from the COP27 Presidency)
Climate Change Frequently Asked Questions provides science-based answers to key questions about climate change.
"Connecting the IPCC Reports to Climate Adaptation Action" covers the biggest takeaways from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s report on the latest science on climate adaptation and possible solutions.
"COP26 Report Tracker: Key Climate Reports Launched at the 2021 U.N. Climate Summit" details essential reports from the 2021 conference that cover everything from greenhouse gas monitoring to ocean acidification and fossil fuel production.
"Federal Resilience Programs: Mission ‘Iconic Reefs’" shares details on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) collaboration with local restoration partners and other agencies to restore coral reefs and protect coastal communities.
"Federal Resilience Programs: NOAA Cooperative Institutes" details how Cooperative Institutes build research partnerships that provide essential scientific research on climate change to where it is needed the most.
"Federal Resilience Programs: NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program" details how federal programs can help improve reef and coastal community resilience to environmental threats.
"Federal Resilience Programs: NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science" shares information on these centers and how they provide scientific research on climate adaptation and resilience to help planners make informed decisions based on coastal conditions.
A press release in April 2022 discussed the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s report, Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change.
A press release in February 2022 discussed the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s report, Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability.
Ensuring that the voice of youth and future generations is heard loud and clear is one of the objectives of the COP27 Presidency. Having heard the priorities and concerns of youth representatives over the past few months, it has been decided to hold a stand-alone day to engage youth and ensure that their perspectives are taken on board and reflected across all areas of the climate agenda. The day will provide an opportunity to showcase youth success stories and challenges and will allow for interaction with policymakers and practitioners as well as a dialogue with High-Level Champions and non-party stakeholders. (Text adapted from the COP27 Presidency)
Back to School: Catalyzing Climate Action in K-12 Schools details the many ways in which schools are a key driver of climate solutions, including through electric school buses, energy-efficient buildings, food waste reduction, and climate action planning.
"Colorado Cafeterias Serve Up a Healthy Meal Program for Kids and the Climate" covers how one school district is working to reduce cafeteria food waste.
EESI’s Future Climate Leaders Scholarship helps fund young leaders who are committed to climate action, as detailed in the press release announcing the first recipient, Antoinette Lorfils.
Since the adoption of the Paris Agreement and all the way to Glasgow in 2021, several energy-intensive sectors and companies have come forward with plans, policies, and actions aiming to reduce their carbon footprints and to gradually move towards decarbonization.
Technologies are emerging as potential solutions to reduce carbon in the atmosphere. The Decarbonization Day will provide an opportunity to discuss such approaches and policies and to showcase technologies with an aim to encourage and facilitate the much-needed transition and paradigm shift towards a low carbon economy. (Text adapted from the COP27 Presidency)
Energy Efficiency Means Business, part of the Agencies in Action series, covers the U.S. Department of Energy’s energy efficiency programs and how energy efficiency programs can help deliver customer savings and sustainability benefits.
How Start-Up Accelerators Can Drive Climate Action, part of the Scaling Up Innovation to Drive Down Emissions series, shares information on scaling up innovative climate solutions with private sector momentum.
"How Juneau’s Climate Action Plan Inspired City-Wide Building Decarbonization" shares how the state capital of Alaska was able to adopt its Juneau Renewable Energy Strategy to shift towards electrifying heating loads and promote heat pump adoption.
"Q&A: First Solar Is Pioneering Responsible Solar Manufacturing in the United States" illuminates the manufacturing process, community engagement, and workforce development of the largest U.S. solar manufacturer.
"Spurring Clean Energy Development on Reclaimed Mine Lands" details how mines can be redeveloped into clean energy production hubs, and how these programs can be unlocked with investments from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
"The Decarbonization Dialogue: Brainstorming Opportunities for Accelerating Nationwide Decarbonization" details the outcomes of the Great Plains Institute and Keystone Policy Center’s Decarbonization Dialogue project, including six key policy recommendations designed to drive cross-sector decarbonization in the United States.
The Beneficial Electrification Toolkit provides essential information for utilities to understand and begin deploying beneficial electrification to save money and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Adaptation and resilience are of crucial importance to all Parties and in particular developing countries. IPCC reports, including the latest Working Group II report, highlight the devastating impacts endured by many countries across the world, and point to the fact that we are not on track to deal with current climate impacts nor are we prepared for the extreme weather events that are increasing in number and intensity.
In a time of increased food insecurity, it is important to have deep discussions on ways to deal with food security, increase agriculture productivity, reduce losses in food production chain, enhance resilience and livelihoods for small-scale farmers, and ensure measures are in place for sustained food security and to manage any potential food crises.
Adaptation Day will also provide an opportunity to discuss a whole gamut of adaptation related issues, including agriculture, nutrition, coastal area livelihoods and protection, Loss and Damage, Disaster Risk Reduction, and solutions to building the resilience of agriculture and food systems to adverse climate impacts (e.g., droughts, floods). (Text adapted from the COP27 Presidency)
Climate Adaptation Programs across Agencies covers federal climate adaptation programs and the importance of these programs across the United States.
Momentum on Climate Adaptation provides information on the key international climate adaptation initiatives of recent years.
"Connecting the IPCC Reports to Climate Adaptation Action" covers the biggest takeaways from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s report on the latest science on climate adaptation.
"Adaptation Jobs Explainer: Understanding this Critical and Growing Workforce" details the growing field of adaptation and resilience jobs, ranging from those in biodiversity to land use planning and public health.
"A National Adaptation Strategy Could Guide the Way Towards a More Resilient Future" details the importance of and precedent for creating and implementing an efficient and equitable national adaptation plan in the face of a changing climate.
"Federal Resilience Programs: Coastlines and People" discusses how a National Science Foundation program funds research designed to help improve the sustainability of coastal communities in the face of changing environments.
"Federal Resilience Programs: Mission ‘Iconic Reefs’" shares details on NOAA’s collaboration with local restoration partners and other agencies to restore coral reefs and protect coastal communities.
"Federal Resilience Programs: National Centers for Environmental Information" discusses how the centers release climate reports and natural disaster information that can help decisionmakers and communities become more resilient to the impacts of climate change.
"Federal Resilience Programs: NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science" shares information on the centers and how they provide scientific research on climate adaptation and resilience to help planners make informed decisions based on coastal conditions.
"Federal Resilience Programs: NOAA National Sea Grant College Program" provides information on the Sea Grant university collaboration network that conducts research, releases educational materials, assists with community projects, and holds trainings on topics like healthy coastal ecosystems, sustainable aquaculture, and environmental literacy.
"Hearings Highlight Five Ways to Advance Climate Adaptation at the Federal Level" provides actionable recommendations that policymakers can use to improve climate change adaptation.
"Pairing Research and Action to Accelerate Climate Change" discusses how the Adaptation Research Alliance, which launched at COP26, works to create action-oriented adaptation research, particularly for the most vulnerable communities.
"Virginia’s Proactive Plan to Tackle Coastal Resilience" discusses Virginia’s coastal adaptation plan to address hazards like sea level rise and flooding.
Pathways to Regenerative Agriculture details how farming in sync with the local environment and climate can lead to economic, climate, and societal benefits.
"How Puerto Rico’s Food Sovereignty Is Rooted in Sustainable Agriculture" discusses how supporting farmers to pursue sustainable agriculture will help Puerto Ricans reduce their dependence on foreign imports, make food systems more resilient to extreme weather, bolster the local economy, and provide more options for a healthy diet.
"Adding Trees to Farms Can Mitigate Climate Change and Increase Resilience" details the way agroforestry can improve climate adaptation, increase carbon sequestration, shield livestock and crops from intense heat, and reduce soil erosion.
"Biochar and Compost for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation" details how soil amendments, like biochar and compost, are used to help fight climate change and improve crop yields.
"Cover Crops for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation" details how the use of cover crops can fight climate change, build climate resilience, and increase crop yields. It also provides information on federal and state programs that support cover crop adoption.
"No-Till Farming Improves Soil Health and Mitigates Climate Change" provides information on how no-till farming can help improve soil and water quality, and even reduce the need for fossil-fuel powered machinery.
"Q&A: How Can Federal Policy Better Support Climate-Friendly Agriculture" addresses how federal programs can help farmers institute climate-friendly agricultural practices.
"The Climate and Economic Benefits of Rotational Livestock Grazing" discusses federal support for rotational livestock grazing and how this practice can be utilized to cut costs and create climate benefits.
Congressional Hearings Leading up to the 2023 Farm Bill provides climate-related policy highlights from the Farm Bill hearings of 2022.
The Climate Change Solutions newsletters from March and June 2022 had a special focus on agriculture, with content ranging from cover crops and biofuel to urban farming and agroforestry
Compiled by: Molly Brind’Amour