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September 25, 2014
Are you hoping the coming year will bring about advances in clean energy and climate policy? You can support the transition towards a more sustainable future by giving from your office through easy payroll-based contributions.
If you work for the federal, state or local government or in the private sector, chances are your employer offers workplace giving. If you are unsure, check with your Human Resources Department.
The Combined Federal Campaign offers federal employees and members of the military yet another opportunity to give back through workplace giving. We here at EESI are grateful for your commitment to public service and now ask you to help serve your country in another way! Your contributions to the CFC have helped us make waves on Capitol Hill, but our job is not done yet. With climate change and clean energy so important to our country’s future, we need all the support we can muster to provide policymakers with compelling stories on key issues at briefings. You can give to the Environmental and Energy Study Institute by designating EESI (CFC #10627).
Your support goes a long way at EESI. Just a few dollars each paycheck can make all the difference:
Thank you for putting your commitment to sustainable energy to work in so many ways – including supporting clean energy at the office. We are a member of the EarthShare workplace giving federation: ask your HR department about giving to EESI through your workplace today!