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July 16, 2014
Are you ready for a special one-day opportunity to help advance smart energy and climate policy? Starting at 9am EDT on July 16, your gift to make that happen will go 40% further than usual. Our partners at Global Giving have announced an extra special Bonus Day. Rather than the usual 30% bonus, on July 16 they will offer SuperStar partners like EESI a 40% match–while funds remain! A total of $130,000 is available to match any donation of up to $1,000 per donor—so please give early, while Bonus Day funds remain. As a special incentive, EESI will welcome anyone who gives $800 - $1,000 to the EESI Associates group, with invitations to special closed-door events, recognition on our website, and more.
That’s not all! A gift of any size will help us compete for one of the three $1,000 bonus prizes. Can you help us be the nonprofit that raises the most funds? We will receive a $1,000 bonus! Or if you can help us get to #2 in most funds, Global Giving will award us $500 (on a Bonus Day last year, we came in second place!). Or, with your gift of anywhere from $10 to $1,000, help us win an additional $1,000 by being the organization with the most individual donors on the special day – with $500 for the organization that comes in second place!
Thank you for helping to advance smart solutions for energy and climate challenges on this special Bonus Day by giving on July 16! Matching will start at 9 am EDT and will last until funds run out or until 11:59 pm EDT. Thanks again!