The current authorization for the nation’s major nutrition, agriculture, and conservation programs expires September 30. Although the Senate has passed its version of the 2012 Farm Bill and the House Agriculture Committee has completed work on its version, the House leadership has yet to schedule floor time for a debate and a vote. Legislative time is running out. House members are now organizing a discharge petition to bring the bill to the floor.

The Farm Bill Now coalition is supporting an effort by Rep. Bruce Braley (D-IA) and other House members to bring to the floor the Farm Bill approved by the agriculture committee with a bipartisan vote of 35-11. Rep. Braley has filed a discharge petition, which would require the House leadership to bring the Farm Bill to the floor for consideration by the full House. The Resolution filed by Rep. Braley requires 218 signatures and already has bipartisan support. The coalition is encouraging people to call their representatives now and urge them to sign the petition.

For more on why it is important to enact the Farm Bill now, read this post from the Secretary of Agriculture.

Click here to see the bill passed by the Senate, and here for the bill approved by the House Agriculture Committee on July 12 but not yet acted on by the House.

Click here to see EESI’s recent Issue Brief: Renewable Biomass Can Help Reduce U.S. Petroleum Dependence: Farm Bill Energy Programs Are Key.