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April 20, 2012
The EPA Science Advisory Board Biogenic Emissions Panel is expected to complete its work soon, but not before two more public teleconferences in May. Now is the time to offer specific scientific or technical comments on the draft report and EPA’s proposed greenhouse gas accounting framework.
The panel has announced two additional public teleconferences – May 25 and May 29. The purpose of these meetings will be to continue discussion of the scientific panel’s draft report , which reviews the scientific and technical bases of the EPA’s proposed Accounting Framework for Biogenic CO2 Emissions from Stationary Sources ].
If you would like to make oral comments (limited to three minutes) or submit a written statement, you need to submit a request to speak or your written statement by May 18 for the May 23 teleconference and by May 25 for the May 29 teleconference. The EPA suggests: "Input from the public to the SAB will have the most impact if it consists of comments that provide specific scientific or technical information or analysis for the SAB panel to consider or if it relates to the clarity or accuracy of the technical information." Contact Dr. Holly Stallworth, Designated Federal Officer (DFO), SAB Staff Office, by telephone at (202) 564–2073 or via email at stallworth.holly [at] . General information concerning the EPA Science Advisory Board can be found at the EPA Science Advisory Board Web site .