
This year’s omnibus appropriations bill, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 (H.R.2617), was signed by President Biden last week. The bill includes increased funding from fiscal year 2022 levels for several environmental offices, including an additional $576 million for the Environmental Protection Agency, an additional $210 million for the National Park Service and an additional $260 million for the Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.

In addition, President Biden signed the FLOODS Act (P.L. 117-316), which directs the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to invest in programs and partnerships to better predict and communicate flood, tornado, and hurricane events.

Meanwhile, the Saline Lake Ecosystems in the Great Basin States Program Act of 2022 (P.L. 117-318) also became law. The bill directs the U.S. Geological Survey to develop a monitoring program for saline lake ecosystems and wildlife in the Great Basin States, which include Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and California.


December 30, 2022



There was no environmental or energy-related activity in the Senate.


Committee Action


H.R. 1492

Methane Waste Prevention Act of 2021

Sponsor: Rep. DeGette, Diana [D-CO-1]

Committees:  House - Natural Resources; Energy and Commerce

Committee Meetings: 04/28/21 11:00AM 03/09/21 12:00PM

Latest Action: House - 12/30/2022 Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 491.


H.R. 1546

Combating Online Wildlife Trafficking Act of 2021

Sponsor: Rep. Carter, Earl L. "Buddy" [R-GA-1]

Committees:  House - Foreign Affairs; Natural Resources

Committee Meetings: 02/16/22 10:00AM

Latest Action: House - 12/30/2022 Reported by the Committee on Natural Resources. H. Rept. 117-675, Part I.


H.R. 2021

Environmental Justice for All Act

Sponsor: Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-3]

Committees:  House - Energy and Commerce; Natural Resources; Judiciary; Transportation and Infrastructure; Agriculture; Education and Labor

Committee Meetings: 07/27/22 9:30AM 04/15/21 10:30AM

Latest Action: House - 12/30/2022 Reported (Amended) by the Committee on Natural Resources. H. Rept. 117-687, Part I. 


H.R. 2348

Advancing Conservation and Education Act

Sponsor: Rep. Stewart, Chris [R-UT-2]

Committees:  House - Natural Resources

Committee Meetings: 05/05/21 11:00AM 04/28/21 11:00AM

Latest Action: House - 12/30/2022 Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 492.


H.R. 2780

Insular Area Climate Change Act

Sponsor: Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-3]

Committees:  House - Natural Resources; Energy and Commerce; Transportation and Infrastructure; Science, Space, and Technology

Committee Meetings: 07/14/21 11:00AM

Latest Action: House - 12/30/2022 Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 503.


H.R. 3681

Sinkhole Mapping Act of 2021

Sponsor: Rep. Soto, Darren [D-FL-9]

Committees:  House - Natural Resources

Committee Meetings: 12/08/22 10:00AM

Latest Action: House - 12/30/2022 Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 494.


H.R. 3764

Ocean-Based Climate Solutions Act of 2022

Sponsor: Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-3]

Committees:  House - Natural Resources; Science, Space, and Technology; House Administration; Ways and Means; Transportation and Infrastructure; Foreign Affairs; Armed Services

Committee Meetings: 07/14/21 11:00AM 06/22/21 3:00PM

Latest Action: House - 12/30/2022 Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 511.


H.R. 4690

Sustaining America’s Fisheries for the Future Act of 2022

Sponsor: Rep. Huffman, Jared [D-CA-2]

Committees:  House - Natural Resources; Agriculture

Committee Meetings: 09/29/22 10:00AM 09/21/22 10:00AM

Latest Action: House - 12/30/2022 Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 502.


H.R. 6032

Katimiîn and Ameekyáaraam Sacred Lands Act

Sponsor: Rep. Huffman, Jared [D-CA-2]

Committees:  House - Natural Resources

Committee Meetings: 12/08/22 10:00AM

Latest Action: House - 12/30/2022 Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 496.


H.R. 6964

To authorize leases of up to 99 years for lands held in trust for the Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation

Sponsor: Rep. Strickland, Marilyn [D-WA-10]

Committees:  House - Natural Resources

Committee Meetings: 12/08/22 10:00AM

Latest Action: House - 12/30/2022 Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 498.


H.R. 7918

Sea Turtle Rescue Assistance Act of 2022

Sponsor: Rep. Keating, William R. [D-MA-9]

Committees:  House - Natural Resources

Committee Meetings: 12/08/22 10:00AM

Latest Action: House - 12/30/2022 Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 500.


H.R. 8115

Recreation and Public Purposes Tribal Parity Act

Sponsor: Rep. LaMalfa, Doug [R-CA-1]

Committees:  House - Natural Resources

Committee Meetings: 12/08/22 10:00AM

Latest Action: House - 12/30/2022 Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 501.



December 29, 2022




There was no environment or energy-related action in the Senate.



Became Law


H.R. 2617

Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023

Sponsor: Rep. Connolly, Gerald E. [D-VA-11]

Committees:  House - Oversight and Reform | Senate - Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs

Committee Meetings: 11/03/21 10:30AM 05/25/21 2:00PM

Committee Reports: S. Rept. 117-164

Committee Prints: H.Prt. 117-73

Latest Action: 12/29/2022 Became Public Law No: 117-328.


December 28, 2022


Presented to President

S. 1942

National Heritage Area Act

Sponsor: Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI]

Committees:  Senate - Energy and Natural Resources

Committee Meetings: 05/03/22 10:00AM 10/06/21 10:00AM

Committee Reports: S. Rept. 117-156

Latest Action: 12/28/2022 Presented to President.


S. 3168

A bill to amend the White Mountain Apache Tribe Water Rights Quantification Act of 2010 to modify the enforceability date for certain provisions, and for other purposes

Sponsor: Sen. Kelly, Mark [D-AZ]

Committees:  Senate - Indian Affairs

Committee Meetings: 11/16/22 2:30PM 03/23/22 2:30PM

Latest Action: 12/28/2022 Presented to President.


S. 3308

Colorado River Indian Tribes Water Resiliency Act of 2022

Sponsor: Sen. Kelly, Mark [D-AZ]

Committees:  Senate - Indian Affairs

Committee Meetings: 11/16/22 2:30PM 03/23/22 2:30PM

Latest Action: 12/28/2022 Presented to President.


S. 3773

A bill to authorize the leases of up to 99 years for land held in trust for the Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation

Sponsor: Sen. Cantwell, Maria [D-WA]

Committees:  Senate - Indian Affairs

Committee Meetings: 05/18/22 3:00PM 03/23/22 2:30PM

Latest Action: 12/28/2022 Presented to President.


S. 4104

Hualapai Tribe Water Rights Settlement Act of 2022

Sponsor: Sen. Sinema, Kyrsten [D-AZ]

Committees:  Senate - Indian Affairs

Committee Meetings: 11/16/22 2:30PM 07/20/22 2:30PM

Latest Action: 12/28/2022 Presented to President.


S. 4439

Katimiîn and Ameekyáaraam Sacred Lands Act

Sponsor: Sen. Padilla, Alex [D-CA]

Committees:  Senate - Indian Affairs

Committee Meetings: 12/14/22 2:30PM 07/20/22 2:30PM

Latest Action: 12/28/2022 Presented to President.


S. 5168

Energy Security and Lightering Independence Act of 2022

Sponsor: Sen. Padilla, Alex [D-CA]

Committees:  Senate - Judiciary

Latest Action: 12/28/2022 Presented to President.


S. 5328

A bill to amend the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 to extend terminal lakes assistance

Sponsor: Sen. Cortez Masto, Catherine [D-NV]

Latest Action: 12/28/2022 Presented to President.



Presented to President


H.R. 2617

Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023

Sponsor: Rep. Connolly, Gerald E. [D-VA-11]

Committees:  House - Oversight and Reform | Senate - Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs

Committee Meetings: 11/03/21 10:30AM 05/25/21 2:00PM

Committee Reports: S. Rept. 117-164

Committee Prints: H.Prt. 117-73

Latest Action: 12/29/2022 Became Public Law No: 117-328.


H.R. 897

Agua Caliente Land Exchange Fee to Trust Confirmation Act

Sponsor: Rep. Ruiz, Raul [D-CA-36]

Committees:  House - Natural Resources | Senate - Indian Affairs

Committee Meetings: 10/13/21 10:00AM

Committee Reports: H. Rept. 117-194

Latest Action: 12/28/2022 Presented to President.


H.R. 1154

Great Dismal Swamp National Heritage Act

Sponsor: Rep. McEachin, A. Donald [D-VA-4]

Committees:  House - Natural Resources | Senate - Environment and Public Works

Committee Meetings: 07/14/21 11:00AM

Committee Reports: H. Rept. 117-104

Latest Action: 12/28/2022 Presented to President.



December 27, 2022



Became Law




Sponsor: Sen. Wicker, Roger F. [R-MS]

Committees: Senate - Commerce, Science, and Transportation

Committee Meetings: 04/28/21 10:00AM

Latest Action:  12/27/2022 Became Public Law No: 117-316.



Saline Lake Ecosystems in the Great Basin States Program Act of 2021

Sponsor: Sen. Merkley, Jeff [D-OR]

Committees: Senate - Environment and Public Works

Latest Action: 12/27/2022 Became Public Law No: 117-318.



Became Law


H.R. 6427

Red River National Wildlife Refuge Boundary Modification Act

Sponsor: Rep. Johnson, Mike [R-LA-4]

Committees: House - Natural Resources

Committee Meetings: 12/08/22 10:00AM

Latest Action: 12/27/2022 Became Public Law No: 117-296.


H.R. 478

Blackwater Trading Post Land Transfer Act

Sponsor: Rep. O'Halleran, Tom [D-AZ-1]

Committees: House - Natural Resources

Latest Action: 12/27/2022 Became Public Law No: 117-267.


H.R. 4881

Old Pascua Community Land Acquisition Act

Sponsor: Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-3]

Committees: House - Natural Resources | Senate - Indian Affairs

Committee Meetings: 04/06/22 3:00PM 11/17/21 2:30PM 10/13/21 10:00AM
Committee Report: S. Rept. 117-127; H. Rept. 117-166

Latest Action: 12/27/2022 Became Public Law No: 117-275.



Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Reauthorization Act of 2022

Sponsor: Rep. Dingell, Debbie [D-MI-12]

Committees: House - Natural Resources | Senate - Environment and Public Works

Committee Meetings: 02/16/22 10:00AM

Committee Reports: H. Rept. 117-298

Latest Action:  12/27/2022 Became Public Law No: 117-287.



December 26, 2022



There was no environment or energy-related action in the Senate



There was no environment or energy-related action in the House