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August 16, 2021
From August 9-13, the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill passed the Senate. Among the environment- and energy-related provisions, the legislation provides $39 billion for public transportation, $7.5 billion for electric vehicles, $65 billion for grid resilience, and $21 billion for environmental cleanup, including $4.7 billion to remediate orphaned oil and gas wells, and $55 billion for water infrastructure. The Senate has now begun to debate the $3.5 trillion budget resolution, which, if passed, could deliver climate-related investments.
August 13, 2021
The Senate met at 9:30:06 a.m. in pro forma session, and adjourned at 9:30:36 a.m. until 9:30 a.m., on Tuesday, August 17, 2021.
Latest Committee Action
Commonsense Coordination Act
Sponsor: Rep. Bentz, Cliff [R-OR-2] (Introduced 07/22/2021) Cosponsors: (9)
Committees: House - Natural Resources; Agriculture
Latest Action: House - 08/13/2021 Referred to the Subcommittee on Conservation and Forestry.
Sponsor: Rep. Moore, Blake D. [R-UT-1] (Introduced 07/22/2021) Cosponsors: (11)
Committees: House - Agriculture; Natural Resources
Sustaining America’s Fisheries for the Future Act of 2021
Sponsor: Rep. Huffman, Jared [D-CA-2] (Introduced 07/26/2021) Cosponsors: (1)
Latest Action: House - 08/13/2021 Referred to the Subcommittee on Livestock and Foreign Agriculture.
Treating Tribes and Counties as Good Neighbors Act
Sponsor: Rep. Fulcher, Russ [R-ID-1] (Introduced 07/27/2021) Cosponsors: (0)
CRP Flexibility Act
Sponsor: Rep. Johnson, Dusty [R-SD-At Large] (Introduced 07/27/2021) Cosponsors: (6)
Committees: House - Agriculture
To direct the Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to maintain a program that improves wildfire forecasting and detection, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Garcia, Mike [R-CA-25] (Introduced 08/13/2021) Cosponsors: (3)
Committees: House - Science, Space, and Technology
Latest Action: House - 08/13/2021 Referred to the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology.
To amend the Toxic Substances Control Act to authorize grants for toxic substances remediation in schools, to reauthorize healthy high-performance schools, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Levin, Andy [D-MI-9] (Introduced 08/13/2021) Cosponsors: (1)
Committees: House - Energy and Commerce
Latest Action: House - 08/13/2021 Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.
August 12, 2021
The Senate and House were not in session.
August 11, 2021
Passed Senate
A concurrent resolution setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2022 and setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031.
Sponsor: Sen. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT] (Introduced 08/09/2021) Cosponsors: (10)
Committees: Senate - Budget
Latest Action: Senate - 08/11/2021 Resolution agreed to in Senate with amendments by Yea-Nay Vote. 50 - 49. Record Vote Number: 357. (text: CR S6237-6249)
Purpose: To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to preventing electricity blackouts and improving electricity reliability.
Amends Bill: S.Con.Res.14
Sponsor: Sen. Hoeven, John [R-ND] (Submitted 08/10/2021) (Proposed 08/11/2021)
Latest Action: 08/11/21 Amendment SA 3243 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 52 - 47. Record Vote Number: 346.
August 10, 2021
Purpose: To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to policies or legislation to prohibit the Department of Agriculture from making ineligible for financing fossil fuel-burning power plants.
Sponsor: Sen. Boozman, John [R-AR] (Submitted 08/10/2021) (Proposed 08/10/2021)
Latest Action: 08/10/21 Amendment SA 3103 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 53 - 46. Record Vote Number: 330.
Purpose: To prohibit the Council on Environmental Quality and the Environmental Protection Agency from promulgating rules or guidance that bans hydraulic fracturing in the United States.
Sponsor: Sen. Cramer, Kevin [R-ND] (Submitted 08/10/2021) (Proposed 08/10/2021)
Latest Action: 08/10/21 Amendment SA 3105 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 57 - 42. Record Vote Number: 323.
Purpose: To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to prohibiting or limiting the issuance of costly Clean Air Act permit requirements on farmers and ranchers in the United States or the imposition of new Federal methane requirements on livestock.
Sponsor: Sen. Ernst, Joni [R-IA] (Submitted 08/10/2021) (Proposed 08/10/2021)
Latest Action: 08/10/21 Amendment SA 3115 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 66 - 33. Record Vote Number: 333.
Purpose: To means-test electric vehicle tax credits to ensure high-income individuals do not get government subsidies to buy expensive luxury cars.
Sponsor: Sen. Fischer, Deb [R-NE] (Submitted 08/10/2021) (Proposed 08/10/2021)
Latest Action: 08/10/21 Amendment SA 3128 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 51 - 48. Record Vote Number: 332.
Purpose: To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to supporting or expediting the deployment of carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration technologies.
Sponsor: Sen. Capito, Shelley [R-WV] (Submitted 08/10/2021) (Proposed 08/10/2021)
Latest Action: 08/10/21 Amendment SA 3284 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Purpose: To establish a reserve fund relating to addressing the crisis of climate change.
Sponsor: Sen. Carper, Thomas [D-DE] (Submitted 08/10/2021) (Proposed 08/10/2021)
Latest Action: 08/10/21 Amendment SA 3330 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 51 - 48. Record Vote Number: 317.
Purpose: To establish a reserve fund relating to Great Lakes ice breaking operational improvements.
Sponsor: Sen. Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI] (Submitted 08/10/2021) (Proposed 08/10/2021)
Latest Action: 08/10/21 Amendment SA 3648 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 85 - 13. Record Vote Number: 339.
A bill to establish a categorical exclusion to improve or restore National Forest System land or public land or reduce the risk of wildfire, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Lummis, Cynthia [R-WY] (Introduced 08/10/2021) Cosponsors: (0)
Committees: Senate - Environment and Public Works
Latest Action: Senate - 08/10/2021 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.
A bill to amend the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 to provide relief from surcharges to small businesses and nonprofit organizations.
Sponsor: Sen. Wicker, Roger [R-MS] (Introduced 08/10/2021) Cosponsors: (1)
Committees: Senate - Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Latest Action: Senate - 08/10/2021 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.
A bill to require the Secretary of the Interior to establish Tribal Wildlife Corridors, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Lujan, Ben [D-NM] (Introduced 08/10/2021) Cosponsors: (1)
Committees: Senate - Indian Affairs
Latest Action: Senate - 08/10/2021 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs.
A bill to amend the Agricultural Act of 2014 to improve a program that provides livestock disaster assistance, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Hoeven, John [R-ND] (Introduced 08/10/2021) Cosponsors: (1)
Committees: Senate - Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry
Latest Action: Senate - 08/10/2021 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.
To require the Secretary of the Interior to establish Tribal Wildlife Corridors, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Gallego, Ruben [D-AZ-7] (Introduced 08/10/2021) Cosponsors: (0)
Latest Action: House - 08/10/2021 Referred to the Committee on Natural Resources, and in addition to the Committee on Agriculture, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.
To prevent States and local jurisdictions from interfering with the production and distribution of agricultural products in interstate commerce, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Hinson, Ashley [R-IA-1] (Introduced 08/10/2021) Cosponsors: (2)
Committees: House - Agriculture; Judiciary
Latest Action: House - 08/10/2021 Referred to the Committee on Agriculture, and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.
To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to continue to implement endangered fish recovery programs for the Upper Colorado and San Juan River Basins, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Neguse, Joe [D-CO-2] (Introduced 08/10/2021) Cosponsors: (0)
Committees: House - Natural Resources
Latest Action: House - 08/10/2021 Referred to the House Committee on Natural Resources.
August 9, 2021
INVEST in America Act
Sponsor: Rep. DeFazio, Peter A. [D-OR-4] (Introduced 06/04/2021) Cosponsors: (5)
Committees: House - Transportation and Infrastructure
Committee Reports: H. Rept. 117-70, H. Rept. 117-70,Part 2
Committee Print: H.Prt. 117-9
Latest Action: Senate - 08/10/2021 Passed Senate with an amendment by Yea-Nay Vote. 69 - 30. Record Vote Number: 314.
Latest Action: Senate - 08/11/2021 Resolution agreed to in Senate with amendments by Yea-Nay Vote. 50 - 49. Record Vote Number: 357. (All Actions
The House was not in session today. The House is scheduled to meet in Pro Forma session at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, August 10, 2021.