
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (H.R. 5376) is heading to President Biden’s desk to be signed into law. EESI’s executive director Daniel Bresette explained the climate benefits of the legislation in a press release and companion article.


August 12, 2022



There was no environment or energy-related activity in the Senate.



Passed House



Inflation Reduction Act of 2022

Sponsor: Rep. Yarmuth, John A. [D-KY-3]

Committees: House - Budget

Committee Meetings: 08/04/22 10:00AM 04/27/22 2:30PM

Committee Reports: H. Rept. 117-130,Book 1; H. Rept. 117-130,Book 3; H. Rept. 117-130,Book 2

Committee Prints: H.Prt. 117-17, H.Prt. 117-18, H.Prt. 117-19

Latest Action: House - 08/12/2022 Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.


Latest Committee Action



To amend the Federal Crop Insurance Act with respect to education and risk management assistance, and for other purposes.

Sponsor: Rep. Kahele, Kaiali'i [D-HI-2]

Committees: House - Agriculture

Latest Action: House - 08/12/2022 Referred to the House Committee on Agriculture.



To provide increased financial assistance for farmers markets and farmers market nutrition programs, to increase local agricultural production through food bank in-house production and local farmer contracting; and for other purposes.

Sponsor: Rep. Kaptur, Marcy [D-OH-9]

Committees: House - Agriculture; Education and Labor

Latest Action: House - 08/12/2022 Referred to the Committee on Agriculture, and in addition to the Committee on Education and Labor, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.



To strengthen the bilateral partnership between the United States and Ecuador in support of democratic institutions and rule of law, sustainable and inclusive economic growth, and conservation.

Sponsor: Rep. Sires, Albio [D-NJ-8]

Committees: House - Foreign Affairs

Latest Action: House - 08/12/2022 Referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.



To amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to designate the Nulhegan River and Paul Stream in the State of Vermont for potential addition to the national wild and scenic rivers system, and for other purposes.

Sponsor: Rep. Welch, Peter [D-VT-At Large]

Committees: House - Natural Resources

Latest Action: House - 08/12/2022 Referred to the House Committee on Natural Resources.


August 11, 2022



There was no environment or energy-related activity in the Senate.



There was no environment or energy-related activity in the House.


August 10, 2022



There was no environment or energy-related activity in the Senate.



There was no environment or energy-related activity in the House.


August 9, 2022



There was no environment or energy-related activity in the Senate.



There was no environment or energy-related activity in the House.


August 8, 2022



There was no environment or energy-related activity in the Senate.



There was no environment or energy-related activity in the House.