
Reps. Kathy Castor (D-Fla.) and Yvette Clarke (D-N.Y.) reintroduced the American Energy Efficiency Act (H.R.9467) in the House. The bill would establish a national energy efficiency resource standard that would lower energy costs for American families and small businesses and create hundreds of thousands of new jobs. The Senate introduced its own version (S.4615) of the bill in June of this year. For the latest  energy efficiency solutions from across the country, check out the Energy Efficiency panel from EESI’s 2024 Clean Energy EXPO. 

Rep. Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick (D-Fla.), alongside Democratic co-sponsors, introduced the Empowering Women in Agriculture Act (H.R.9363). The bill would amend the Farm Bill by increasing funding, outreach, and assistance to women farmers and ranchers, and adding women to the legal definition of “socially disadvantaged farmer or rancher.” For more policy solutions to the barriers faced by socially disadvantaged agricultural workers, check out EESI’s article, Growing Career Opportunities for Young People in Agriculture.


To catch up on all of the recent environmental and energy legislation in Congress, read the PDF here.