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May 12, 2015
The Alliance to Save Energy is hosting the eighth annual EE Global Forum from May 12-13 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. EE Global is the world's leading international energy efficiency event, drawing hundreds of energy efficiency influencers for two-days of discussion-based sessions geared towards producing actionable plans. Participants will discuss the latest technology and best practices so as to develop policies and strategies for the global implementation of energy efficiency.
Sixteen Executive Dialogue sessions will cover a wide range of topics, such as:
Thought leaders will include Kateri Callahan, President of the Alliance to Save Energy; Dymphna van der Lans, Chief Executive Officer of the Clinton Climate Initiative; Elizabeth McDonald, President & CEO of the Canadian Energy Efficiency Alliance; Joseph McGuire, President of the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers; Ashok Sarkar, Senior Energy Specialist at the World Bank; and Sam Tumiwa, Deputy Representative of the Asian Development Bank.
EE Global is an invitation-only event, but energy efficiency professionals, academics and policymakers are encouraged to apply for an invitation.
EESI is a strong proponent of energy efficiency and has pledged its support for EE Global as an endorsing organization.
More information on this year’s EE Global can be found at