Old dates: March 14-17

With increased urgency, utilities, companies, governments, and other energy stakeholders are racing toward a decarbonized future. Electrification will play a critical role in achieving net-zero targets, with new technologies and policies leading the way.

Staying at the forefront of this energy transformation is essential, and the Electrification 2022 International Conference & Exposition can help.

Courtesy: Electric Power Research Institute

Next June 28-30, in Charlotte, North Carolina, the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) will be reconnecting stakeholders who haven’t seen each other for many months, while covering both the details and the big picture of the increasingly hot topic of electrification. EESI is a supporting organization for the event.

The future of electrification will be built through collaboration inside and outside of the industry. Next year, there will be a special focus on bringing new stakeholders and perspectives to the table—from government and academia to nonprofits and start-ups. These new faces will join established players to make this electrification event more diverse and engaging than ever before.


Emerging Challenges, Opportunities, and Solutions

An “electrified” future takes many forms, from e-mobility and city infrastructure to industrial conversions and innovations, policy and regulatory impacts, and indoor agriculture initiatives.

Today's electric technology allows us to support many of society's energy needs while also moving the needle on decarbonization through electrification. But what are the emerging challenges, opportunities, and solutions for new innovations and existing systems?

At Electrification 2022, EPRI and its partners will address those questions as they return to an in-person format featuring experts seeking to scale the grid for an electrified economy while ensuring available infrastructure and affordable mobility in the process. Attendees can also expect to hear more about how electrification can advance social and environmental justice, and learn from those who are advancing decarbonization initiatives by incorporating equitable and community-centered solutions.

E-mobility will continue to be a focus as well, with conversations surrounding everything from manufacturing and infrastructure to financing and policy viewpoints. And speaking of policy, Electrification 2022 will have a dedicated track to explore the role of regulation and policy in advancing electrification at all levels.

By joining EPRI in Charlotte, attendees will get the big picture on what electrification and decarbonization look like today—and meet the leaders and hear about the innovations that will shape tomorrow.

The Electrification 2022 agenda includes seven diverse tracks:

  • Courtesy: Electric Power Research Institute
    50% EVs by 2030? Let's Get to It!
  • Heavy Metal: Electrification of Trucks, Buses and Everything Else
  • Building to Zero: Practical Decarbonization Approaches
  • New Frontiers in Industrial Electrification
  • Legislative Landscape: The Role of Policy and Regulation
  • The Business Case: Solving for Affordability
  • Our Road Ahead: Innovations for an Electrified Future

Stay at the forefront and help advance your organization’s objectives by joining EPRI in Charlotte.


Register today.