EESI’s 2012 Annual Report is now out! Over the course of the year, the impacts and costs of climate change have become ever more visible. The country experienced numerous extreme weather events, ranging from the widespread drought and heat wave in the Midwest, to the massive devastation caused by Superstorm Sandy . Thanks to the funders who make our work possible, EESI has done its part to spur action on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Below are some of our 2012 achievements . You can read more in our 2012 Annual Report .

Here are a few highlights:

  • We called for increased adaptation, resiliency, and mitigation measures on climate change. Resiliency became one of EESI's key themes, with the release of a joint EESI-CCAP Report, Preparing Transportation Infrastructure for Increased Climate Risk and a briefing on the insurance industry's perspective on addressing extreme weather events.
  • EESI helped develop Energy 101 to spread energy literacy in U.S. colleges. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities, the University of Maryland, and EESI developed Energy 101 , a unique, peer-reviewed model framework for college-level Introduction to Energy courses.
  • We examined how to make it easier for clean energy projects to tap into low-cost financing, a critical piece of the puzzle. Our Clean Energy Financing: What Works? briefing attracted over 150 members of the policy community.
  • You can also read about our partner and EESI Associate , Austin Energy , and our board member, Rosina Bierbaum .

Overall, EESI celebrated a great year working to advance clean energy. Thanks for all you do to help us get our work done.