A message from EESI Executive Director Carol Werner

It’s our birthday! EESI is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year, and we’re marking the occasion with a refreshed logo and an all-new website. All of our old website’s rich content is still there, but packaged in a much more user-friendly manner.

A few highlights:

  • A powerful new advanced search interface makes it much easier for visitors to hone in on one of more than 95 fact sheets, 710 articles, 275 newsletters, and 250 briefings since 2006. If you’re in the briefing section, for instance, you can easily restrict your search to briefings only by using the bottom search bar.
  • It’s easier than ever to share our content. Every page of content has a social media bar, allowing for quick sharing on Facebook, Twitter, or 293 (!) other social media platforms. This is a great opportunity for me to remind you that EESI is on Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Youtube. I hope you will join us!
  • The site is now mobile-friendly, adapting itself automatically to your screen size.
  • We have an all new “speaker” section, where you can quickly track down specific speakers, see in which briefings they spoke, and download their slides (when available).

I hope you will give our new website a look, and let us know what you think—we’d love your feedback! You can also take the opportunity to rate us on GreatNonprofits, which has awarded us a “Top Rated” award for three years in a row, thanks to your support. And, of course, your donation to EESI will help us keep moving ahead!

As all our online content was transferred from the old site to the new one, I had the opportunity to reflect on many of our achievements over the past 30 years. One thing was absolutely crystal clear: what EESI is today would not have been possible without all of you—our board members, donors, partner organizations, supporters, and many passionate fans in the policymaking community. Thank you so much for your support.

I would also like to thank EESI’s staff members, who did so much to make this new website a reality—in addition to their day-to-day tasks. Everyone pitched in, including our interns and volunteers. And, of course, I would like to thank our Baltimore-based developers, Piccirilli Dorsey, who did the coding and design work—on a tight budget.

Together, we have achieved so much over the past 30 years, and I really look forward to continuing our work with you to advance sustainable energy solutions. As all of us know, there is still much to be done! With a major United Nations Climate Change Conference scheduled for 2015, EESI is seeking action to reduce short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs), such as black carbon, methane, and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). Cutting such high impact emissions now will help mitigate climate change in the next 10-20 years. EESI also is emphasizing the need for resiliency measures for our buildings and transportation infrastructure to cope with the climate change that is already taking place. And, EESI is paying particular attention to the water-energy nexus, a neglected but absolutely critical relationship: power generation requires large amounts of water, and pumping and piping water requires large amounts of energy.

As we embark on our next 30 years of existence, our approach will continue to be holistic, with a firm understanding that energy and environment are inextricably intertwined and that a healthy economy and a healthy environment go hand-in-hand.

Thank you again for your support, and here’s to another 30 years of advancing sustainable solutions!




If you’d like to learn more about EESI and its history, I invite you to check out the following resources: