Fran Buchholzer is a member of EESI’s Board of Directors and an EESI Associate.

When Fran’s cousin, former representative John Seiberling (D-OH)—one of EESI’s original Congressional sponsors—suggested she join EESI’s Board of Directors, she was delighted. She knew that EESI has access to the real-time environmental and energy policy debates taking place on Capitol Hill.

Fran was formerly the head of Ohio’s Department of Natural Resources. In that role, she became even more aware of the close linkage between state and federal policy. Thanks to EESI, she was able to bring back reliable and timely information for her work in Ohio. Fran believes that EESI fills an essential gap for policymakers, saying “the broad audience and speakers of your briefings attests to EESI’s objective viewpoint, giving EESI huge credibility on Capitol Hill.”

Fran understands the extent to which environmental issues affect all aspects of our lives; she explains “a sustainable world is a critical part of economic sustainability.” She also emphasized how valuable EESI is, saying, “if there is ever anything I need to know about energy and climate policy, I can just pick up the phone and call Carol [Werner, Executive Director]; she is the best in the business!”

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