Learn how clean, renewable, efficient advanced biomass heating can contribute to meeting energy needs, job creation, economic development, and energy security in communities across the country. Learn also about how federal policies can help overcome some of the existing challenges and barriers to biomass heating in the residential, commercial, and institutional sectors.

On Wednesday, November 16, EESI will present a briefing Heating with Biomass: Win-Win for Households, Economic Development, Energy Security. As more and more households and businesses seek alternatives to record high heating bills, how can the federal government encourage conversion to the cleanest, most efficient, advanced bioheat technologies? For those who cannot attend the briefing, video and presentations will be available on the EESI web site shortly following the event. For more information, click here .

This briefing is being held in conjunction with the Biomass Thermal DC Summit. On November 16, a coalition of rural, renewable energy, and natural resource groups from across the U.S. will gather in Washington, D.C. for an education and outreach event, the Biomass Thermal DC Summit. Summit participants will engage with policy makers and renewable energy‐related groups on the substantial benefits of biomass thermal energy use: increased rural economic activity, energy independence, healthier forests, and effective tax policy. For more information, click here .