On January 5, the US Department of Energy (DOE) launched a new database to provide up-to-date information on marine and hydrokinetic renewable energy in the United States and throughout the world. Created by the DOE's Wind and Hydropower Technologies Program, the database allows users to search for companies, technologies, and projects and to sort results by criteria such as geographic location, resource type, and project status. Once the query of a search is identified, users can pull up such diverse information as project dimensions and mooring methods, as well as information on permitting, partnerships, and power purchase agreements. Additional resources on the database website include a glossary of terms related to wave, current, and ocean thermal technologies. For more information on the Marine and Hydrokinetic Technology Database, please click here.

EESI held a briefing in 2007 on water power – recognizing the major potential of this renewable resource for enhancing energy supply and national security in an environmentally sound manner. For more information from this briefing, please click here.