Welcome to Climate Change Solutions for November 12!

Since last issue, big developments arose over the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties with COP 25 less than one month away:

  • With Chile rocked by civil unrest, Spain stepped in to host this year’s December meeting in Madrid.

  • The Trump Administration officially began the process of pulling the U.S. out of the Paris Agreement signed by 197 countries in 2015 at COP 21. 

  • French President Emmanuel Macron and Chinese President Xi Jinping jointly affirmed their support of the Agreement in response. 

  • A new report finds that only 48 countries are on track to meeting their goals to limit warming to 2C.

More international climate news includes:

  • 11,000 scientists issued a warning that “planet Earth is facing a climate emergency.”

  • Italy becomes first country to mandate climate change lessons in public schools.

  • New Zealand passes law to become carbon neutral by 2050.

  • Melting sea ice is bringing deadly pathogens to marine mammals across the globe.

  • Jellyfish, at least, are thriving in warmer water and decline in predators.

  • New UN project will improve data collection and reporting on forests for 26 countries.

Climate issues popped up in financial discussions this month:

  • Officials discussed climate considerations for monetary policy during the first ever Federal Reserve conference on climate change and economics. 

  • European Union finance ministers said the bloc should start phasing out its funding of oil, gas, and coal projects.

Around the states:

  • More cities are banning new building developments would use natural gas.

  • New Jersey Governor Murphy establishes statewide climate resiliency strategy.

  • Honolulu mayor announces plan to sue oil companies for damages to infrastructure from climate change.



COP News:

It’s Official: Madrid Will Host COP25, Ecowatch

Paris climate accords: US notifies UN of intention to withdraw, BBC

Xi and Macron affirm support for climate pact despite Trump withdrawal, CNN

Most countries' climate plans 'totally inadequate' – experts, The Guardian

International developments:

World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency, Oxford Academic

Italy to become first country to make learning about climate change compulsory for school students, CNN

New Zealand passes ‘zero carbon’ law in fight against climate change, The Independent

A deadly virus is spreading in marine mammals. Scientists say climate change is to blame., NBC

Thousands of animals around the world are at risk of extinction. But not jellyfish — they're thriving in warm, polluted water., Business Insider

New UN forestry project bids to help countries meet climate change commitments, UN News


A 'green interest rate?' Fed digs into climate change economics, Reuters

Worried by climate change, EU moves to end fossil fuel funding, Reuters

Around the states:

No more fire in the kitchen: Cities are banning natural gas in homes to save the planet, USA Today

Murphy Commits New Jersey to Climate Change Resiliency Plan, NBC New York

City Announces Plans To Sue Oil Companies For Climate Change Damage, Hawaii Public Radio