The Governors’ Biofuels Coalition, which represents governors in 33 states, sent a letter to the House and Senate leadership, urging them to "reject any modifications to the RFS" and calling for "continued expansion of our domestic biofuels industry through a strong Renewable Fuels Standard."

The letter of March 12 begins. . .

"The renewable fuels standard (RFS) has had a tremendous positive economic impact on the Coalition’s states and remains an important policy framework to support the national production of biofuels for years to come. Recent attacks on the RFS have been well funded, unrelenting and false, and we want to set the record straight. Biofuels have already:
• Reduced our nation’s dependence on foreign oil,
• Reduced the uncertainty that comes with periodic oil spikes,
• Diversified our nation’s energy portfolio,
• Reduced environmental and health impacts of transportation fuels,
• Maximized value add opportunities for agricultural products, and
• Created jobs and raised family incomes in rural America."

Read more here .